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Commit b0d7e85d authored by Éloïs's avatar Éloïs
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[enh] fix #4

parent 9b4a2bc5
No related merge requests found
......@@ -9,7 +9,8 @@ ORDER_BY in the following order
ASC ascending
DESC descending
CHECKBOX_PENDING_SIGS Include pending certifications.
CHECKBOX_PENDING_SIGS Include pending certifications
CHECKBOX_MODE_SIG Print emitted certifications (Instead of received certifications)
LEGEND_AVAILABILITY [availability : means this certification may already be written in the next block.]
CURRENT_BLOCKCHAIN_TIME Current blockchain time
TABLE_TITLE Members that will expire in less than
......@@ -18,11 +19,15 @@ COL_UID uid
COL_IDTY_WRITTEN_TIME identity written time
COL_LAST_RENEWAL last renewal
COL_EXPIRE_MEMBERSHIP expire membership
COL_DISTANCE_isOutdistanced KO
COL_DISTANCE_isNotOutdistanced OK
COL_LIST_RECEIVED_CERT list received certifications
COL_LIST_EMITTED_CERT list emitted certifications
LAST2OLDEST récentes -> anciennes
OLDEST2LAST anciennes -> récentes
EMITTED emitted
WRITTEN written
MEMBERS members
\ No newline at end of file
FORM1 jours - tri par
SORT_BY_IDTY_WRITTEN date d'obtention du statut de membre
SORT_BY_EXPIRE_MEMBERSHIP date d\'expiration du membership
SORT_BY_EXPIRE_MEMBERSHIP date d'expiration du membership
SORT_LAST_RENEWAL date de dernier renouvellement
SORT_BY_OLDEST_SIG date de plus vielle certification
SORT_BY_LAST_SIG date de plus récente certification
......@@ -9,7 +9,8 @@ ORDER_BY dans l'ordre
ASC croissant
DESC décroissant
CHECKBOX_PENDING_SIGS Inclure les certifications en piscine.
CHECKBOX_PENDING_SIGS Inclure les certifications en piscine
CHECKBOX_MODE_SIG Afficher les certifications émises (à la place des certifications reçus)
LEGEND_AVAILABILITY [disponibilité : date à partir de laquelle cette certification pourra être écrite compte tenu de sigPeriod]
CURRENT_BLOCKCHAIN_TIME Temps Blockchain actuel
TABLE_TITLE Membres dont le statut de membre va expirer dans moins de
......@@ -18,11 +19,15 @@ COL_UID uid
COL_IDTY_WRITTEN_TIME obtention statut membre
COL_LAST_RENEWAL dernier renouvellement
COL_EXPIRE_MEMBERSHIP date d'expiration du membre
COL_DISTANCE_isOutdistanced KO
COL_DISTANCE_isNotOutdistanced OK
COL_LIST_RECEIVED_CERT liste des certifications reçues
COL_LIST_EMMITED_CERT liste des certifications émises
COL_LIST_EMITTED_CERT liste des certifications émises
LAST2OLDEST récentes -> anciennes
OLDEST2LAST anciennes -> récentes
WRITTEN écrite
MEMBERS membres
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -20,13 +20,14 @@
"rimraf": "^2.6.1",
"tmp": "^0.0.31",
"underscore": "1.8.3",
"wotb": "^0.6.2",
"ws": "1.1.1"
"devDependencies": {
"duniter": "1.3.9",
"duniter-keypair": "1.3.x",
"duniter-bma": "1.3.x",
"duniter-crawler": "1.3.x",
"duniter-keypair": "1.3.x",
"duniter-prover": "1.3.x"
"peerDependencies": {
"use strict";
const co = require('co')
const wotb = require('wotb')
const timestampToDatetime = require(__dirname + '/../lib/timestampToDatetime')
module.exports = (req, res, next) => co(function *() {
......@@ -8,16 +10,17 @@ module.exports = (req, res, next) => co(function *() {
var { duniterServer, sigValidity, msValidity, sigWindow, idtyWindow, cache } =
try {
// get blockchain timestamp
let resultQueryCurrentBlock = yield duniterServer.dal.peerDAL.query('SELECT `medianTime` FROM block ORDER BY `medianTime` DESC LIMIT 1 ');
const currentBlockchainTimestamp = resultQueryCurrentBlock[0].medianTime;
// Initaliser les constantes
const conf = duniterServer.conf;
const head = yield duniterServer.dal.getCurrentBlockOrNull();
const currentBlockchainTimestamp = head ? head.medianTime : 0;
const membersCount = head ? head.membersCount : 0;
const dSen = Math.ceil(Math.pow(membersCount, 1 / conf.stepMax));
// Initaliser les variables
var contenu = "";
var membersIdentity = [];
var membersFirstCertifExpire = [];
var membersIssuerFirstCertif = [];
var membersCertifsList = [];
var membersPendingCertifsList = [];
var membershipsTimeList = [];
......@@ -25,14 +28,18 @@ module.exports = (req, res, next) => co(function *() {
var membershipsExpireTimeList = [];
// Récupéré les paramètres
var days = req.query.d || 400// Valeur par défaut
var days = req.query.d || 400 // Valeur par défaut
var mode = req.query.mode || 'received' // Valeur par défaut
var order = req.query.d && req.query.order || 'desc' // Valeur par défaut
var sort_by = req.query.sort_by || "idtyWritten" // Valeur par défaut
var pendingSigs = req.query.pendingSigs || "no";
var format = req.query.format || 'HTML';
// Alimenter wotb avec la toile actuelle
const wotbInstance = wotb.newFileInstance(duniterServer.home + '/wotb.bin');
// Récupérer la liste des identités ayant actuellement le statut de membre
const membersList = yield duniterServer.dal.peerDAL.query('SELECT `uid`,`pub`,`member`,`written_on` FROM i_index WHERE `member`=1');
const membersList = yield duniterServer.dal.peerDAL.query('SELECT `uid`,`pub`,`member`,`written_on`,`wotb_id` FROM i_index WHERE `member`=1');
// Récupérer pour chaque identité, le numéro du block d'écriture du dernier membership
// Ainsi que la première ou dernière certification
......@@ -55,34 +62,52 @@ module.exports = (req, res, next) => co(function *() {
let resultQueryTimeWrittenIdty = yield duniterServer.dal.peerDAL.query(
'SELECT `medianTime` FROM block WHERE `number`=\''+blockstampIdtyWritten[0]+'\' LIMIT 1')
// Tester la distance
let tmpWot = wotbInstance.memCopy();
//let tmpWot = duniterServer.dal.wotb.memCopy();
//let detailedDistance = tmpWot.detailedDistance(pendingIdtyWID, dSen, conf.stepMax, conf.xpercent);
//let isOutdistanced = detailedDistance.isOutdistanced;
let isOutdistanced = tmpWot.isOutdistanced(membersList[m].wotb_id, dSen, conf.stepMax, conf.xpercent);
// Stocker les informations de l'identité
writtenBloc: blockstampIdtyWritten[0],
writtenTimestamp: resultQueryTimeWrittenIdty[0].medianTime
writtenTimestamp: resultQueryTimeWrittenIdty[0].medianTime,
isOutdistanced: isOutdistanced
// récupérer toutes les certification reçus par l'utilisateur
// récupérer toutes les certification reçus/émises par l'utilisateur
let tmpQueryCertifsList = [];
if (sort_by == "lastSig")
let tmpOrder = (sort_by == "lastSig") ? 'DESC' : 'ASC';
if (mode == 'emitted')
tmpQueryCertifsList = yield duniterServer.dal.peerDAL.query(
'SELECT `issuer`,`written_on`,`expires_on` FROM c_index WHERE `receiver`=\''+membersList[m].pub+'\' ORDER BY `expires_on` DESC');
'SELECT `receiver`,`written_on`,`expires_on` FROM c_index WHERE `issuer`=\''+membersList[m].pub+'\' ORDER BY `expires_on` '+tmpOrder);
tmpQueryCertifsList = yield duniterServer.dal.peerDAL.query(
'SELECT `issuer`,`written_on`,`expires_on` FROM c_index WHERE `receiver`=\''+membersList[m].pub+'\' ORDER BY `expires_on` ASC');
tmpQueryCertifsList = yield duniterServer.dal.peerDAL.query(
'SELECT `issuer`,`written_on`,`expires_on` FROM c_index WHERE `receiver`=\''+membersList[m].pub+'\' ORDER BY `expires_on` '+tmpOrder);
// Calculer le nombre de certifications reçus par le membre courant
// Calculer le nombre de certifications reçus/émises par le membre courant
let nbWrittenCertifs = tmpQueryCertifsList.length;
// Récupérer les uid des émetteurs des certifications reçus par l'utilisateur
// Récupérer les uid des émetteurs/receveurs des certifications reçus/émises par l'utilisateur
// Et stocker les uid et dates d'expiration dans un tableau
membersCertifsList[m] = new Array();
for (var i=0;i<nbWrittenCertifs;i++)
let tmpQueryGetUidIssuerCert = yield duniterServer.dal.peerDAL.query('SELECT `uid` FROM i_index WHERE `pub`=\''+tmpQueryCertifsList[i].issuer+'\' LIMIT 1');
let tmpQueryGetUidProtagonistCert
if (mode == 'emitted')
tmpQueryGetUidProtagonistCert = yield duniterServer.dal.peerDAL.query('SELECT `uid` FROM i_index WHERE `pub`=\''+tmpQueryCertifsList[i].receiver+'\' LIMIT 1');
tmpQueryGetUidProtagonistCert = yield duniterServer.dal.peerDAL.query('SELECT `uid` FROM i_index WHERE `pub`=\''+tmpQueryCertifsList[i].issuer+'\' LIMIT 1');
let tmpBlockWrittenOn = tmpQueryCertifsList[i].written_on.split("-");
// Stoker la liste des certifications qui n'ont pas encore expirées
......@@ -90,11 +115,11 @@ module.exports = (req, res, next) => co(function *() {
if (i == 0)
issuer: tmpQueryGetUidIssuerCert[0].uid,
issuer: (mode=='emitted') ? membersList[m].uid:tmpQueryGetUidProtagonistCert[0].uid,
receiver: (mode!='emitted') ? membersList[m].uid:tmpQueryGetUidProtagonistCert[0].uid,
writtenBloc: tmpBlockWrittenOn[0],
timestampExpire: tmpQueryCertifsList[i].expires_on
......@@ -103,19 +128,20 @@ module.exports = (req, res, next) => co(function *() {
let nbValidPendingCertifs = 0;
if (pendingSigs == "yes")
// récupérer toutes les certification en piscine destinées à l'utilisateur
// récupérer toutes les certification en piscine
let tmpQueryPendingCertifsList = [];
if (sort_by == "lastSig")
if (mode == 'emitted')
tmpQueryPendingCertifsList = yield duniterServer.dal.peerDAL.query(
'SELECT `from`,`block_number`,`expires_on` FROM certifications_pending WHERE `to`=\''+membersList[m].pub+'\' ORDER BY `expires_on` DESC');
'SELECT `from`,`to`,`block_number`,`expires_on` FROM certifications_pending WHERE `from`=\''+membersList[m].pub+'\' ORDER BY `expires_on` '+tmpOrder);
tmpQueryPendingCertifsList = yield duniterServer.dal.peerDAL.query(
'SELECT `from`,`block_number`,`expires_on` FROM certifications_pending WHERE `to`=\''+membersList[m].pub+'\' ORDER BY `expires_on` ASC');
'SELECT `from`,`block_number`,`expires_on` FROM certifications_pending WHERE `to`=\''+membersList[m].pub+'\' ORDER BY `expires_on` '+tmpOrder);
// Calculer le nombre de certifications en attentes destinées au membre courant
......@@ -126,24 +152,26 @@ module.exports = (req, res, next) => co(function *() {
membersPendingCertifsList[m] = new Array();
for (var i=0;i<nbPendingCertifs;i++)
let tmpQueryGetUidIssuerPendingCert = yield duniterServer.dal.peerDAL.query('SELECT `uid` FROM i_index WHERE `pub`=\''+tmpQueryPendingCertifsList[i].from+'\' LIMIT 1');
let tmpPub = (mode=='emitted') ? tmpQueryPendingCertifsList[i].to:tmpQueryPendingCertifsList[i].from;
let tmpQueryGetUidProtagonistPendingCert = yield duniterServer.dal.peerDAL.query('SELECT `uid` FROM i_index WHERE `pub`=\''+tmpPub+'\' LIMIT 1');
// Vérifier que l'émetteur de la certification correspond à une identié connue
if ( tmpQueryGetUidIssuerPendingCert.length > 0 )
if ( tmpQueryGetUidProtagonistPendingCert.length > 0 )
// récupérer le timestamp d'écriture de la dernière certification écrite par l'émetteur
let tmpQueryLastIssuerCert = yield duniterServer.dal.peerDAL.query('SELECT `chainable_on` FROM c_index WHERE `issuer`=\''+tmpQueryPendingCertifsList[i].from+'\' ORDER BY `expires_on` DESC LIMIT 1');
// Stoker la liste des certifications en piscine qui n'ont pas encore expirées
if (tmpQueryPendingCertifsList[i].expires_on > currentBlockchainTimestamp)
from: tmpQueryGetUidIssuerPendingCert[0].uid,
blockNumber: tmpQueryPendingCertifsList[i].block_number,
timestampExpire: tmpQueryPendingCertifsList[i].expires_on,
timestampWritable: (tmpQueryLastIssuerCert[0].chainable_on)
// récupérer le timestamp d'écriture de la dernière certification écrite par l'émetteur
let tmpQueryLastIssuerCert = yield duniterServer.dal.peerDAL.query('SELECT `chainable_on` FROM c_index WHERE `issuer`=\''+tmpQueryPendingCertifsList[i].from+'\' ORDER BY `expires_on` DESC LIMIT 1');
// Stoker la liste des certifications en piscine qui n'ont pas encore expirées
if (tmpQueryPendingCertifsList[i].expires_on > currentBlockchainTimestamp)
protagonist: tmpQueryGetUidProtagonistPendingCert[0].uid,
blockNumber: tmpQueryPendingCertifsList[i].block_number,
timestampExpire: tmpQueryPendingCertifsList[i].expires_on,
timestampWritable: (typeof(tmpQueryLastIssuerCert[0]) == 'undefined') ? 0:tmpQueryLastIssuerCert[0].chainable_on
......@@ -168,8 +196,8 @@ module.exports = (req, res, next) => co(function *() {
// Initialiser le tableau membersListOrdered
var membersListOrdered = [ [] ];
var membersCertifsListSorted = [ [] ];
var membersListOrdered = [];
var membersCertifsListSorted = [];
// Calculer le timestamp limite à prendre en compte
var limitTimestamp = currentBlockchainTimestamp + (days*86400);
......@@ -231,11 +259,13 @@ module.exports = (req, res, next) => co(function *() {
lastRenewalWrittenBloc: membershipsBlockNumberList[idMaxTime],
expireMembershipTimestamp: membershipsExpireTimeList[idMaxTime],
certifications: membersCertifsList[idMaxTime],
pendingCertifications: membersPendingCertifsList[idMaxTime]
pendingCertifications: membersPendingCertifsList[idMaxTime],
isOutdistanced: membersIdentity[idMaxTime].isOutdistanced
issuer: membersCertifsList[idMaxTime].issuer,
receiver: membersCertifsList[idMaxTime].receiver,
writtenBloc: membersCertifsList[idMaxTime].writtenBloc,
timestampExpire: membersCertifsList[idMaxTime].timestampExpire
......@@ -257,7 +287,7 @@ module.exports = (req, res, next) => co(function *() {
res.locals = {
days, sort_by, order,
days, mode, sort_by, order,
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
const co = require('co')
const crypto = require('crypto')
//const wotb = require('wotb')
const wotb = require('wotb')
const timestampToDatetime = require(__dirname + '/../lib/timestampToDatetime')
......@@ -56,8 +56,8 @@ module.exports = (req, res, next) => co(function *() {
countMembersWithSigQtyValidCert = 0;
lastUpgradeTime = Math.floor( / 1000);
// Alimenter wotb avec la toile Ğ1
//const wotbInstance = wotb.newFileInstance(duniterServer.home + '/wotb.bin');
// Alimenter wotb avec la toile actuelle
const wotbInstance = wotb.newFileInstance(duniterServer.home + '/wotb.bin');
// Récupérer la liste des identités en piscine
const resultQueryIdtys = yield duniterServer.dal.peerDAL.query('SELECT `buid`,`pubkey`,`uid`,`hash`,`expires_on` FROM identities_pending WHERE `member`=0');
......@@ -282,20 +282,21 @@ module.exports = (req, res, next) => co(function *() {
if (!doubloon)
// Tester la distance à l'aide des certifications disponibles
//let wotb = wotbInstance.memCopy();
let wotb = duniterServer.dal.wotb.memCopy();
let tmpWot = wotbInstance.memCopy();
//let tmpWot = duniterServer.dal.wotb.memCopy();
let pendingIdtyWID = wotb.addNode()
let pendingIdtyWID = tmpWot.addNode();
for (const cert of idtysPendingCertifsList[idMax])
wotb.addLink(cert.wid, pendingIdtyWID)
tmpWot.addLink(cert.wid, pendingIdtyWID);
let detailedDistance = wotb.detailedDistance(pendingIdtyWID, dSen, conf.stepMax, conf.xpercent)
let detailedDistance = tmpWot.detailedDistance(pendingIdtyWID, dSen, conf.stepMax, conf.xpercent);
let isOutdistanced = detailedDistance.isOutdistanced;
//let isOutdistanced = tmpWot.isOutdistanced(pendingIdtyWID, dSen, conf.stepMax, conf.xpercent);
// Tester la présence de l'adhésion
let membership = null
const pendingMembershipsOfIdty = yield duniterServer.dal.msDAL.getPendingINOfTarget(identitiesList[idMax].hash)
const pendingMembershipsOfIdty = yield duniterServer.dal.msDAL.getPendingINOfTarget(identitiesList[idMax].hash);
for (const ms of pendingMembershipsOfIdty) {
if (!membership && ms.expires_on > currentBlockchainTimestamp) {
membership = ms
......@@ -303,7 +304,7 @@ module.exports = (req, res, next) => co(function *() {
// Nettoie la wot temporaire
uid: identitiesList[idMax].uid,
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ ${(host.substr(host.length-6,6) == '.onion') ? HTML_TOR_HEAD:HTML_HEAD}
<a href="">License AGPL V 3.0</a><br>
<a href="">github repository</a>
<div align="left">Version : <a href="">module-0.2.11</a></div><br>
<div align="left">Version : <a href="">module-0.2.12</a></div><br>
<div align="left">Author : <a href="">Éloïs Librelois</a></div><br>
<div align="left">Contributors : <a href="">jytou</a> (translator), <a href="">devingfx</a> (frontend), <a href="">cgeek</a> (willMembers and wotex),<a href="">M5oul</a> (adjustments)</div><br>
......@@ -27,16 +27,17 @@ ${(host.substr(host.length-6,6) == '.onion') ? HTML_TOR_HEAD:HTML_HEAD}
<!-- Afficher le formulaire -->
<input type="number" name="d" value="${days}"/>${LANG["FORM1"]} <select name="sort_by">
<option name="sort_by" value ="idtyWritten">${LANG["SORT_BY_IDTY_WRITTEN"]}
<option name="sort_by" value ="expireMembership" ${sort_by == 'expireMembership' ? 'selected' : ''}>${LANG["SORT_BY_EXPIRE_MEMBERSHIP"]} date d\'expiration du membership
<option name="sort_by" value ="lastRenewal" ${sort_by == 'lastRenewal' ? 'selected' : ''}>${LANG["SORT_LAST_RENEWAL"]} date de dernier renouvellement
<option name="sort_by" value ="oldestSig" ${sort_by == 'oldestSig' ? 'selected' : ''}>${LANG["SORT_BY_OLDEST_SIG"]} date de plus vielle certification
<option name="sort_by" value ="lastSig" ${sort_by == 'lastSig' ? 'selected' : ''}>${LANG["SORT_BY_LAST_SIG"]} date de plus récente certification
<option name="sort_by" value ="sigCount" ${sort_by == 'sigCount' ? 'selected' : ''}>${LANG["SORT_BY_SIG_COUNT"]} nombre de certifications reçues
<option name="sort_by" value ="expireMembership" ${sort_by == 'expireMembership' ? 'selected' : ''}>${LANG["SORT_BY_EXPIRE_MEMBERSHIP"]}
<option name="sort_by" value ="lastRenewal" ${sort_by == 'lastRenewal' ? 'selected' : ''}>${LANG["SORT_LAST_RENEWAL"]}
<option name="sort_by" value ="oldestSig" ${sort_by == 'oldestSig' ? 'selected' : ''}>${LANG["SORT_BY_OLDEST_SIG"]}
<option name="sort_by" value ="lastSig" ${sort_by == 'lastSig' ? 'selected' : ''}>${LANG["SORT_BY_LAST_SIG"]}
<option name="sort_by" value ="sigCount" ${sort_by == 'sigCount' ? 'selected' : ''}>${LANG["SORT_BY_SIG_COUNT"]}
</select> ${LANG["ORDER_BY"]} <select name="order">
<option name="order" value ="asc"> ${LANG["ASC"]}
<option name="order" value ="desc" ${order == 'desc' ? 'selected' : ''}> ${LANG["DESC"]}</select>
<input type="submit" value="envoyer"><br>
<input type="checkbox" name="pendingSigs" value="yes" ${pendingSigs == 'yes' ? 'checked' : ''}>${LANG["CHECKBOX_PENDING_SIGS"]}</form><br>
<input type="checkbox" name="pendingSigs" value="yes" ${pendingSigs == 'yes' ? 'checked' : ''}>${LANG["CHECKBOX_PENDING_SIGS"]}.<br>
<input type="checkbox" name="mode" value="emitted" ${mode == 'emitted' ? 'checked' : ''}>${LANG["CHECKBOX_MODE_SIG"]}.</form><br>
<!-- Afficher la légende -->
......@@ -55,8 +56,9 @@ ${(pendingSigs == 'yes' && help != 'no') ? ` ${LANG["LEGEND_AVAILABILITY"]}<br>`
<td align="center">${LANG["COL_IDTY_WRITTEN_TIME"]}</td>
<td align="center">${LANG["COL_LAST_RENEWAL"]}</td>
<td align="center">${LANG["COL_EXPIRE_MEMBERSHIP"]}</td>
<td align='center'>${LANG['COL_DISTANCE']}</td>
<td style="background:#000000">-</td>
<td align="left" colspan="${nbMaxCertifs}">liste des certifications reçues (${sort_by == 'lastSig' ? LANG["LAST2OLDEST"] : LANG["OLDEST2LAST"]})</td>
<td align="left" colspan="${nbMaxCertifs}">${(mode=='emitted') ? LANG['COL_LIST_EMITTED_CERT']:LANG['COL_LIST_RECEIVED_CERT']} (${sort_by == 'lastSig' ? LANG["LAST2OLDEST"] : LANG["OLDEST2LAST"]})</td>
......@@ -65,27 +67,25 @@ ${(pendingSigs == 'yes' && help != 'no') ? ` ${LANG["LEGEND_AVAILABILITY"]}<br>`
${(member.proportion = proportion(member.expireMembershipTimestamp,msValidity,0,120),'')}
<td align="center" style="background:hsla(${member.proportion}, 100%, 50%, 1)">
<!--<td align="center" style="background:#${color}">-->
${pendingSigs == "yes" && member.pendingCertifications.length > 0
? `(${member.pendingCertifications.length})`
: ''}
<!--<td align="center" style="background:hsla(0, 0%, ${member.proportion}%, 1)">-->
<td align="center" style="background:hsla(${member.proportion}, 100%, 50%, 1)">
<!--<td align="center" style="background:#${color}">-->
<td align="center" style="background:hsla(${member.proportion}, 100%, 50%, 1)">
<!--<td align="center" style="background:#${color}">-->
<td align="center" style="background:hsla(${member.proportion}, 100%, 50%, 1)">
<!--<td align="center" style="background:#${color}">-->
<td align='center' style="background:hsla(${member.proportion}, 100%, 50%, 1)">
<span style="color: ${member.isOutdistanced ? 'red' : 'blue' }">${member.isOutdistanced ? LANG['COL_DISTANCE_isOutdistanced'] : LANG['COL_DISTANCE_isNotOutdistanced'] }</span>
<td style="background:#000000">-</td>
<!-- Printer les certifications en piscine -->
......@@ -93,10 +93,13 @@ ${(pendingSigs == 'yes' && help != 'no') ? ` ${LANG["LEGEND_AVAILABILITY"]}<br>` certification=> `
<!-- Printer la certification -->
<td align="center" style="background:${color(certification.timestampExpire,sigWindow,200)})">
${LANG["EMITTED"]} #${certification.blockNumber}<br>
[inscriptible ${timestampToDatetime(certification.timestampWritable)}]
${(certification.timestampWritable > currentBlockchainTimestamp) ? `<font color="DarkRed">[${timestampToDatetime(certification.timestampWritable)}
`:`<font color="green">[${LANG["CERT_AVAILABLE"]}`
......@@ -105,7 +108,7 @@ ${(pendingSigs == 'yes' && help != 'no') ? ` ${LANG["LEGEND_AVAILABILITY"]}<br>`
${ certification=> `
<!-- Printer la certification -->
<td align="center" style="background:hsla(${proportion(certification.timestampExpire,sigValidity,0,120)}, 100%, 50%, 1 )">
${(mode=='emitted') ? certification.receiver:certification.issuer}<br>
${LANG["WRITTEN"]} #${certification.writtenBloc}
0% or .
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