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title = "uCoin aux 5èmes Rencontres des Monnaies Libres !"
Hugo Trentesaux's avatar
Hugo Trentesaux committed
date = 2015-02-05

thumbnail = "/PELICAN/images/calendar.svg"

authors = ["cgeek",]
tags = ["RML",]
category = ["Évènements",]

en = "blog/ucoin-at-the-5th-freedom-money-meeting/"

# uCoin aux 5èmes Rencontres des Monnaies Libres !

Le projet uCoin sera sous les projecteurs des 5èmes Rencontres des Monnaies Libres (RML ou Freedom Money Meeting - FMM) ces **4 et 5 Juin 2015 à Paris** ! Cet événement sera une grande occasion pour nous de :

*   faire *une démonstration en direct* en créant notre monnaie FMM5 !
*   présenter plus en détails à la fois les logiciels *cœur* et *client*
*   donner les plans du projet pour les mois à venir
*   expliquer plus précisément la philosophie du projet

Donc si vous êtes un potentiel développeur, testeur ou promoteur du projet, n'hésitez pas à vous inscrire à cet événement ! Vous trouverez ci-dessous l'annonce officielle faite sur le site web [](, avec les détails d'inscription et d'organisation de la rencontre. En espérant vous y retrouver !

> # 5th Freedom Money Meeting 4th to 7th June 2015 Paris
> ###### *Posted on [February 5, 2015]( 08:49 by [Galuel]( "View all posts by Galuel")*
> The 5th freedom money meeting (FMM5, “Rencontres des Monnaies Libres”) will take place in France / Paris – Montreuil, 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th June 2015\. You can subscribe emailing [galuel at glibre dot org](mailto:galuel at glibre dot org "mailto galuel at glibre dot org"). You can also contribute to the event by publishing those informations in your own website. The program is an indication, and will be modified during next months.
> *   **4th June 2015 : uCoin core (for developpers only)**
> *   Introduction, presentation and running uCoin core
> *   Review of different WoT algorithm and how to code them in uCoin core
> *   Code review of Nodejs, uCoin, objects, class and code architecture
> *   How to compile and produce full uCoin package
> *   RoadMap and more…
> *   **5th June 2015 : Cutecoin + uCoin Apps (mobile) (for developpers only)**
> *   Introduction and presentation of Cutecoin code architecture (Python etc…)
> *   Compiling and Running last Cutecoin version, joining a uCoin free money community
> *   Introduction and presentation of uCoin Apps, a uCoin mobile client
> *   RoadMap and more
> *   **6th June 2015 : Game “La Corbeille” new version 3.0 ! (Open to any contributor)**
> *   morning (9h00) : subscriptions to the game and rules explanations, choice of money models to play
> *   morning (10h00) : Game start with first money code played 80 years
> *   Morning (13h00) : Lunch
> *   Afternoon (14h00) : Game with next money code played 80 years
> *   Afternoon (18h00) : collecting game data, first comments towards video and text production
> *   **7th June 2015 : Other contributions**
> *   Morning (10h00): Relative Money Theory conference about demonstration a new RTM Theorem “Law of transformation RdB/DU” : full equivalence (not completion) of referentials between free money and basic income based systems + how to contribute to RTM development
> *   Afternoon (14h00) : Contributors to freedom money meet developers and exchange about how to join project and testing money community with CuteCoin.
> *   How to play “La Corbeille 3.0″, collect data, developp the game community and development of a “Corbeille game data” internet site.
> *   How to produce conference about freedom money, with return of experiences, sharing data and graphics.
> France / Paris – Montreuil (near [Métro Mairie de Montreuil]( "Mairie de Montreuil on OpenStreet Map") more details after subscription).
> <iframe src=";layer=mapnik&amp;marker=48.8615527456014%2C2.4410247802734375" width="425" height="350" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>
> <small>[Afficher une carte plus grande](</small>
> Propositions of organisation for 6th Freedom Money Meeting, **must be sent before 31st August 2015**. The event needs to take place around November 2015, just send mail to any [OpenUDC]( "OpenUDC") or[uCoin]( "uCoin") contributor or connect to the XMPP chatroom.