@@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ New features may be implemented after the launch of Duniter V2, if developers ar
***The implementation of the Ğ1 on exchange platforms** is no more planned in V2 than in V1. But it is in any case impossible to prevent anyone from creating such a possibility (it's the FREE world). If it hasn't already been done, it's only because no-one has found it sufficiently interesting.\
Further explanations in French on the forum: https://forum.monnaie-libre.fr/t/g1-et-plateformes-de-change/29900/78
<h2style="color:#34a1ff"id="switchover">How will the switchover work for users?</h2>
<h2style="color:#34a1ff"id="bascule">How will the switchover work for users?</h2>