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anfeichtinger's avatar
anfeichtinger committed
vjrj's avatar
vjrj committed
  "app_name": "Ğinkgo",
  "credit_card_title": "Pay with Ğ1",
  "g1_wallet": "Ğ1 Wallet",
  "close": "CLOSE",
  "bottom_nav_first": "Pay",
  "bottom_nav_second": "Receive",
  "bottom_nav_trd": "Contacts",
  "bottom_nav_frd": "Balance",
  "bottom_nav_fifth": "Info",
  "send_g1": "Send Ğ1",
  "g1_amount": "Amount to send",
  "g1_amount_hint": "Amount to send in {currency}",
  "g1_form_pay_send": "Send",
  "search_user_title": "User to pay",
  "search_user_title_in_contacts": "Search for users",
  "search_user": "Search user or key",
  "search_user_hint": "Type a name or key or paste a list of keys",
vjrj's avatar
vjrj committed
  "search_user_hint_basic": "Type a name or key",
  "search_multiuser_hint": "Long press if you want to pay several users at once",
vjrj's avatar
vjrj committed
  "search_user_btn": "Search user",
  "g1_form_pay_desc": "Comment",
  "g1_form_pay_hint": "Enter a comment (optional)",
  "code_card_title": "Code repository",
  "intro_1_title": "Welcome to our Ğ1 wallet!",
  "intro_1_description": "With this wallet, you can easily and securely store, send, and receive Ğ1 currency (also known as 'June').",
  "intro_2_title": "A digital free/libre currency created by the people, for the people",
  "intro_2_description": "Ğ1 does not depend on any government or corporation and is eco-friendly (as it is low-energy consumption), transparent, and fair to all.",
  "intro_3_title": "Ğ1 currency works on the Duniter network",
  "intro_3_description": "Duniter is a decentralized cryptocurrency network that enables people to create their own Ğ1 currency.",
  "intro_4_title": "Let's get started!",
  "intro_4_description": "We'll help you create a Ğ1 wallet so you can easily and securely store your Ğ1 currency on your device and send it to others without intermediaries.",
  "intro_5_title": "And then…",
  "intro_5_description": "From here, you can offer your services and products and receive payment in Ğ1 currency, as well as use Ğ1 currency to purchase goods.",
  "no_internet": "No internet connection",
  "skip": "Skip",
  "start": "Start",
  "offline": "You are Offline!",
  "online_terminal": "Online",
  "offline_terminal": "Offline",
  "show_qr_to_client": "Show your public key to your client",
  "show_qr_to_client_amount": "Display this QR code with that amount to your client",
  "keys_tooltip": "Public and private keys in Ğ1 and Duniter are like a lock and key system, where the public key acts as the lock that can be opened by anyone with the corresponding private key, providing a secure way to authenticate and verify transactions",
  "card_validity": "Validity",
  "card_validity_tooltip": "Please note that this wallet is only accessible while using this specific browser or app and device. If you delete or reset the browser or app, you will lose access to this wallet and the funds stored in it.",
  "export_key": "Export your wallet",
  "import_key": "Import your wallet",
  "copy_your_key": "Copy your public key",
  "key_copied_to_clipboard": "Your public key has been copied to the clipboard",
  "some_key_copied_to_clipboard": "The public key has been copied to the clipboard",
  "key_tools_title": "Keys and Tools",
  "transactions": "Transactions",
  "balance": "Balance",
  "transaction_from_to": "From {from} to {to}",
vjrj's avatar
vjrj committed
  "transaction_from": "From",
  "transaction_to": "To",
vjrj's avatar
vjrj committed
  "your_wallet": "your wallet",
  "delete_contact": "Delete contact",
  "search_contacts": "Search contacts",
  "no_contacts": "You don't have contacts yet",
  "data_load_error": "Error loading data",
  "add_contact": "Add contact",
  "contact_added": "Contact added",
  "no_transactions": "This wallet has no balance. Start by offering your services in Ğ1 markets, for example, to receive your first income.",
  "qr-scanner-title": "Scan the QR of someone",
  "copy_contact_key": "Copy",
  "nothing_found": "Nothing found",
  "technical_info_title": "Technical info",
  "pattern_do_not_match": "Patterns do not match",
  "at_least_3": "At least 3 points required",
  "intro_some_pattern_to_export": "Pattern to import/export your wallet",
  "confirm_pattern": "Confirm pattern",
  "draw_pattern": "Draw pattern",
  "draw_your_pattern": "Draw your pattern",
  "expert_mode": "Expert mode",
  "intro_pattern_to_import": "Pattern you used to export your wallet",
  "wrong_pattern": "Wrong pattern",
  "wallet_exported": "Walled exported correctly",
  "reloading_nodes": "Reloading {type} nodes",
  "wallet_imported": "Walled imported correctly",
  "cancel": "CANCEL",
  "enter_a_valid_number": "Enter a valid number",
  "enter_a_positive_number": "Enter a positive number",
  "payment_successful": "Payment sent!",
  "payment_successful_desc": "The transaction will be effective in a few minutes.",
  "please_confirm_sent": "Are you sure?",
  "please_confirm_sent_desc": "Please confirm that you wish to send {amount} {currency} to {to}",
  "please_confirm_retry_sent_desc": "Please confirm that you wish to retry send {amount} {currency} to {to}",
  "yes_sent": "YES, SEND IT",
  "receive_g1": "Receive Ğ1",
  "insufficient balance": "insufficient balance to pay this",
vjrj's avatar
vjrj committed
  "Insufficient balance in your wallet": "Insufficient balance in your wallet",
vjrj's avatar
vjrj committed
  "language_switch_title": "Select your language",
  "transaction_pending": "Pending",
  "transaction_sending": "Sending",
  "transaction_receiving": "Receiving",
  "transaction_sent": "Sent",
  "transaction_received": "Received",
  "transaction_failed": "Payment failed",
  "transaction_waiting_network": "Retry with Internet",
  "valid_comment": "The comment cannot have accents or commas",
  "search_limitation": "The search term must have at least 3 characters",
  "faq_title": "Frequently Asked Questions",
  "faq_0_title": "How can I start using Ğ1 and this wallet?",
  "faq_0_desc": "Begin by offering your services in Ğ1 markets, such as to receive your first income. If you already have Ğ1 in a Cesium account, you can transfer some to this wallet and use it to send and receive Ğ1 currency easily.",
  "faq_1_title": "Can I import my Cesium account?",
vjrj's avatar
vjrj committed
  "faq_1_desc": "Yes, you can import a Cessium accountxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and it will ask for your password/passphrase on each use.",
vjrj's avatar
vjrj committed
  "faq_2_title": "Is this wallet secure?",
  "faq_2_desc": "It is as secure as carrying a wallet or purse in your pocket. In other words, you use a regular bank card by taking it out of your pocket and entering a four-digit password. With this Ğ1 wallet, it's pretty much the same thing. You take out your phone, unlock it typically with a four-digit PIN, and then you can operate this wallet. Therefore, you should be just as cautious as you are with your physical wallets and purses. If you delete this browser or app or lose your mobile device, you may lose your funds and not be able to recover them (unless you have an exported backup copy of your wallet).",
  "faq_3_title": "Why can't I add a password to the wallet?",
  "faq_3_desc": "First, adding nuclear suitcase-level security to a wallet of this type is a hassle. Second, people lose their passwords and funds all the time, which we wanted to avoid. Finally, although we could add something simpler like a PIN password or a pattern, people might repeat their mobile or credit card passwords, which could be disastrous. We believe it is safer this way.",
  "faq_4_title": "Why use something as literal as a credit card and a card reader?",
  "faq_4_desc": "Mainly, because we wanted to make the use of Ğ1 simple for new people, and then, with use, make it easier to transition to using more advanced programs like Cesium.",
  "share_your_key": "Share your public key",
  "share_this_key": "Share",
  "form_save": "SAVE",
  "form_contact_title_add": "Add a contact",
  "form_contact_title": "Edit contact",
  "form_contact_name": "Name",
  "form_contact_name_validation": "Please enter a name",
  "form_contact_name_validation_pub_key": "Please enter a valid public key",
  "form_contact_notes": "Notes",
  "form_contact_pub_key": "Public key",
  "payment_error": "Payment error",
  "payment_error_desc": "Oops! the payment failed. More details: {error}",
  "payment_error_retry": "Oops! the payment failed. Please retry in some minutes.",
  "error_installing_desktop": "Error installing Ğ1nkgo in your Desktop: (error: {error})",
  "install_desktop": "Install Ğ1nkgo in Desktop",
  "import_failed": "Wallet import failed",
  "select_file_to_import": "Select the wallet backup",
  "You can't send money to yourself.": "You can't send money to yourself.",
  "request_notifications_perms": "Get Notified with new payments",
  "allow_notifications_desc": "Allow Ğ1nkgo to notify you with new payments",
  "allow_notifications_btn": "ALLOW",
  "deny_notifications_btn": "DENY",
  "notification_open": "OPEN",
  "notification_new_payment_title": "New payment received",
  "notification_new_payment_desc": "You have received a {amount} payment from {from}",
  "notification_new_sent_title": "New payment sent",
  "notification_new_sent_desc": "You have sent a {amount} to {to}",
  "contact_already_exists": "Contact already exists",
  "wrong_public_key": "Wrong public key",
  "browser_warning": "You are using a browser we didn't test. Please use Chrome, Firefox or Brave.",
  "code_translate": "Help us to translate Ğ1nkgo",
  "nodes_tech_info": "Node List",
  "info_links": "Links",
  "error_importing_wallet": "Error importing wallet",
  "no_nodes_found": "We couldn't communicate with any node. Please try again later.",
  "fetch_tx_error": "Something went wrong while fetching your transactions.",
  "retry": "RETRY",
  "creditCardKey_title": "Wallet Created!",
  "creditCardKey_desc": "Congratulations! You have successfully created your Ğ1 wallet. Please note that everything is stored on this device, so make sure not to delete this application to avoid losing your wallet. In the info section you can make a backup of your wallet, in case your device has any issues and you need to access your wallet.",
  "creditCardKey_web_title": "Wallet Created!",
  "creditCardKey_web_desc": "Congratulations! You have successfully created your Ğ1 wallet. It is important to note that this wallet is stored only in your browser. Therefore, if you close the browser and open it again, make sure that the same wallet appears. If not, you may be using an unsupported browser. Remember that we also have an app. In the info section you can make a backup of your wallet, in case your device has any issues.",
  "creditCardKey_button_title": "This is your Wallet!",
  "creditCardKey_button_desc": "Please note that everything is stored on this device, so make sure not to delete this application to avoid losing your wallet. In the info section you can make a backup of your wallet, in case your device has any issues and you need to access your wallet.",
  "creditCardKey_button_web_title": "This is your Wallet!",
  "creditCardKey_button_web_desc": "It is important to note that this wallet is stored only in your browser. Therefore, if you close the browser and open it again, make sure that the same wallet appears. If not, you may be using an unsupported browser. Remember that we also have an app. In the info section you can make a backup of your wallet, in case your device has any issues.",
  "creditCardPubKey_title": "Wallet Public Address",
  "creditCardPubKey_desc": "This is the public address of your wallet (although this is the abbreviated version). You can copy it by tapping on it to share it with others.",
  "paySearchUserKey_title": "Making Payments with Ğ1",
  "paySearchUserKey_desc": "From this section you can make payments in Ğ1. You can search for users on the network or scan QR codes to make your payments.",
  "payAmountKey_title": "Enter Payment Amount",
  "payAmountKey_desc": "In this field you should indicate the amount you want to pay in Ğ1.",
  "paySentKey_title": "Send Ğ1",
  "paySentKey_desc": "Once you have indicated the payment amount, you only need to press the 'Send' button to make the payment. It is important to note that this wallet does not have a password, so it operates like a pocket wallet for quick transactions with small amounts.",
  "receiveMainKey_title": "Receiving Ğ1",
  "receiveMainKey_desc": "This works similarly to point of sale machines in stores, but instead of credit card payments, we use QR codes. Here you can generate QR codes for others to scan and make payments to you.",
  "receiveQrKey_desc": "On this screen you will find your own QR code that you can share with others to receive payments in Ğ1.",
  "receiveAmountKey_title": "QR with Amounts",
  "receiveAmountKey_desc": "If you want to sell a product or service, you can generate a QR code with your public key and the amount to be charged in Ğ1.",
  "receiveSumKey_title": "Quick Total",
  "receiveSumKey_desc": "You can also generate a QR code with the total amount of a purchase by adding up the prices of the items you are selling.",
  "contactsMainKey_title": "Contacts",
  "contactsMainKey_desc": "In this section you can save your most frequent contacts and scan QR codes from other people.",
  "contactsQrKey_desc": "Here you can scan QR codes from other people to add them to your contacts.",
  "txMainKey_title": "Transactions",
  "txMainKey_desc": "Here you can see the history of your transactions. If your wallet is empty, to start using Ğ1, you can offer your services on markets or web platforms such as,, among others. If you already have Ğ1, you can transfer them to this Ğ1nkgo wallet and start using it.",
  "txBalanceKey_title": "Balance",
  "txBalanceKey_desc": "On this screen you can see the current balance of your Ğ1nkgo wallet.",
  "txRefreshKey_title": "Refresh",
  "txRefreshKey_desc": "If you are waiting for a payment, you can press this button to refresh the screen. However, this wallet will also do it periodically for you and send you notifications of new payments.",
  "infoMainKey_title": "More Information",
  "infoMainKey_desc": "Here you will find more information about your wallet and other options.",
  "exportMainKey_title": "Exporting the Wallet",
  "exportMainKey_desc": "It is important that you make a backup of your wallet as soon as possible and keep it safe, so that you can import it into another browser or the app, or restore your wallet in case you lose your device.",
  "feedback": "Having issues? Give us more info!",
  "feedback_submit": "SUBMIT",
  "feedback_whats_wrong": "Describe your issue:",
  "feedback_draw": "Draw",
  "feedback_navigate": "Navigate",
  "bug_report": "Bug Report",
  "slidable_tutorial": "Swipe for more actions",
  "retry_payment": "Retry Payment",
  "cancel_payment": "Cancel Payment",
  "payment_canceled": "Payment canceled although we cannot ensure that it has not already been executed",
  "pay_again": "Pay Again",
  "telegram_group": "Telegram Group",
  "payment_waiting_internet_title": "No Internet",
  "payment_waiting_internet_desc": "We'll retry your payment when internet is back",
  "payment_waiting_internet_desc_beta": "Retry your payment when internet is back",
  "your_name_here": "Name this card",
vjrj's avatar
vjrj committed
  "card_name_changed": "Your card name has been updated. Please note that this name is public and allows others to find you",
vjrj's avatar
vjrj committed
  "copied_to_clipboard": "Copied to clipboard",
  "pay_with_nfc_tooltip": "To receive a payment, simply bring this device close to the other wallet with NFC activated.",
  "import_wallet_from_clipboard": "Import Wallet from Clipboard",
  "import_wallet_from_clipboard_desc": "Paste a previously exported Ğ1nkgo wallet text or a public key of other type of wallets (like Cesium)",
  "paste": "PASTE",
  "import": "IMPORT",
  "select_import_method": "Select Import Method",
  "file_import": "Import from File",
  "export": "EXPORT",
  "clipboard_import": "Import from Clipboard",
vjrj's avatar
vjrj committed
  "clipboard_import_pubkey": "Import from public key (Cesium, etc)",
vjrj's avatar
vjrj committed
  "clipboard_export": "Export to Clipboard",
  "select_export_method": "Select Export Method",
  "file_export": "Export to File",
  "share_export": "Share via email/chat/etc.",
  "wallet_copied": "Wallet copied to clipboard",
  "link_export": "Export to Link",
  "share_export_subject": "Ğ1nkgo Wallet Export",
  "qr_invalid_payment": "Invalid QR Code: Incorrect payment info",
  "cant_find_qr_contact": "Can't find QR provided contact",
  "qr_scanner_cancel": "CANCEL",
  "qr_scanner_flash_on": "FLASH ON",
  "qr_scanner_flash_off": "FLASH OFF",
  "qr_scanner_title": "Scan QR Code",
  "display_amounts_du": "Display amounts in DU",
  "wallet_already_imported": "Wallet/s already imported",
vjrj's avatar
vjrj committed
  "card_theme_select": "Select a theme for your card",
  "cesium_auth_dialog_title": "Enter your credentials for {key}",
  "cesium_secret_phrase": "Secret phrase",
  "cesium_password": "Password",
  "accept": "ACCEPT",
vjrj's avatar
vjrj committed
  "incorrect_passwords": "Incorrect passwords",
  "issueCreatedTitle": "Issue Created",
vjrj's avatar
vjrj committed
  "issueCreatedSuccessfully": "An issue has been created with your feedback. Bookmark the issue link to track its progress. Thanks!",
vjrj's avatar
vjrj committed
  "viewIssue": "View Issue",
vjrj's avatar
vjrj committed
  "issueCreationErrorTitle": "Error Creating an Issue",
vjrj's avatar
vjrj committed
  "issueCreationErrorMessage": "There was an error trying to create an issue with your feedback.",
  "contacts_sort_by_date": "Sort by date",
  "contacts_sort_by_name": "Sort by name",
  "payment_error_no_pass": "Incorrect passwords",
  "wallets_imported": "{number} wallet/s imported",
  "please_confirm_delete": "Are you sure?",
  "please_confirm_delete_desc": "Are you sure you want to delete this wallet?",
  "please_confirm_delete_desc_g1nkgo": "Are you sure you want to delete this wallet? If you do it and you don't have a backup, you will lose access to it and the funds stored in it.",
vjrj's avatar
vjrj committed
  "please_confirm_sent_multi_desc": "Are you sure you want to pay {amount} {currency} to {people} people?",
  "multi_pay_results": "Payments results",
vjrj's avatar
vjrj committed
  "multi_pay_results_desc": "{success} success, {fail} failed",
  "You can't send money to yourself.": "You can't send money to yourself.",
vjrj's avatar
vjrj committed
  "others_and_someone": "{others} and {someone}",
  "account_info": "Account information"
vjrj's avatar
vjrj committed