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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • v0.0.9+20
    - Add infos about current scan in last import screen ([3fad0f0](
    - fix: scan derivation balances check ([edb8735](
    - bump 0.0.9+19 ([5b0ea1b](
    - bump 0.0.9+18 ([bff1e81](
  • v0.0.9+19
    bff1e816 · bump 0.0.9+18 ·
    - bump 0.0.9+18 ([bff1e81](
    - order contacts by usernames ([d9aa66e](
    - add contacts management ([c6d5b30](
    - remove unused sandbox screen ([7fd82df](
    - check if node is connected before check balances ([7b778a7](
    - fix: can delete wallet just after set it to default ([c603d2b](
  • v0.0.9+18
    - batch call is working for claimUd ([2d1b373](
    - improve balance results; workaround batch (wip) ([99c559d](
    - refactor substrate_sdk.dart provider file; Add local node entry in settings ([cd91ea8](
    - improve batch meca ([c487749](
  • v0.0.9+17
    - type and lock balance computing ([2526f38](
    - displayed balances are now transferabledBalances with unclaimed UDs ([2677cb8](
    - WIP: unclaimed UD are almost calculated ([d71261d](
    - prepare to implement unclaimedUd evaluation ([29754e2](
    - Add dead methode to get ss58 prefix from const storage; remove unused comments ([1753344](
    - Use certsByReceiver to gets certValidityPeriod instead of obsolete certsByReceiver call ([a88034b](
    - implement batch for membership validation ([81772f9](
    - fix: ignore certs state if dest identity is null ([d8f3936](
    - upgrade to gradle 7.2.2 ([ef3ae9d](
    - upgrade deps ([6817592](
    - fix gradle with new version ([dce9fc2](
  • v0.0.9+16
    - Upgrade dependencies; apply new lints infos ([fad6ebd](
    - fallback to english if user lang is not supported in debug mode ([4fb40ff](
    - add current bloc number in settings; remove Substrate debug menu ([f44dd4a](
    - UI: Improve align of endpoints selection elements ([10eeeba](
    - UI: Move QRCode to appbar in wallet option screen ([a7d2e9a](
    - improve design of name + balance on wallet_home screen ([c203364](
    - don't reset graphql cache on startup ([90f91be](
  • v0.0.9+15
    e5ea67b6 · bump +15 ·
    - bump +15 ([e5ea67b](
    - can set custom indexer endpoint ([c5960f8](
    - change indexer endpoint in settings ([b975061](
    - workflow for auto and custom endpoint is OK ([0f43100](
    - workaround dropdown ([c07cc90](
    - wip: use dropdown to chose auto or manual endpoints ([5e5e6ee](
    - add NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription ([d1976db](
    - feature(#27): add TeamID + `ITSAppUsesNonExemptEncryption` property ([ec953b3](
    - fix: android theme ([183e89e](
  • v0.0.9+14
    366d2712 · bump +14 ·
    - bump +14 ([366d271](
    - fix: show no data message if history profile is empty ([39d87c7](
    - rollback to previous main.js version ([d25ad55](
    - change github https sdk dependency ([80ccc1f](
  • v0.0.9+13
    af3451b6 · increase indexer timeout ·
    - increase indexer timeout ([af3451b](
    - fix: Use _removableOn instead of _renewableOn for certification renewale delay (#13) ([c58d859](
    - fix: cast double to int before sign and send transcation (#14) ([fd9467e](
    - remove todo ([e9c9019](
  • v0.0.9+12
    51894fe6 · flutter format ·
    - flutter format ([51894fe](
    - bump version ([b7b01bc](
    - Add Spanish template with a few translated sentences ([a64a3c6](
    - App is fully translate en/fr ! ([e71e00c](
    - translation 4 ([87a6f44](
    - onboarding translation 3 ([c04416a](
    - onboarding translation 2 ([c62c63f](
    - onboarding translation ([f688bc3](
    - factorize isMd text ([a4d72d0](
    - cosmetic ([6f7dd4e](
    - replace Multiple TextSpan for bold words by Markdown widget in onboarding ([65f6f0a](
    - fix flutter format ([ad1a517](
    - welcome multilang! ([8555c57](
    - hello multilang ! ([b89de85](
  • v0.0.9+11
    - change history to activity ([1c3aa69](
    - improve headerProfileView: move to provider ([b03a280](
    - Hello Activity screen; paged history works for all profiles ([a4f5b44](
    - WIP: Refactore history screen to new activity screen ([1c4da17](
    - change gif 3 ([4e9e2d4](
    - change gif demo2 ([3161935](
    - change demo gif ([e62f8fa](
  • v0.0.9+10
    f5097030 · fix: deps for CI ·
    - fix: deps for CI ([f509703](
  • v0.0.9+2
    - can search username in indexer ([0ada163](
    - fix flutter format ([e90e306](
    - gitlab-ci.yml; try to fix 2 ([58b6fba](
    - gitlab-ci.yml; try to fix ([64e9ff1](
    - gitlab-ci.yml: remove comment ([d59d0c0](
    - gitlab-ci.yml: remove space vefore comment ([05a7c82](
    - check online indexer on startup^in bootstrap nodes; Don't use it in app if offline ([b196ed2](
    - wip indexer 2 ([2ea2eeb](
    - wip indexer ([d38cabe](
    - Indexer client implemented; Display identity name when exist ([7f83965](
    - update CI image version; ignore build.gradle changes ([cdfa62a](
  • v0.0.8+9
    - feat: crop circle avatar on import (86e2f3b)
    - feat: ask password for mnemonic display even if it's cached (5ee80a5)
    - feat: Edit wallet name in popup (63c71fe)
    - can't pay if offline (9ec7a65)
    - fix: bad parent widget in search;  improve lost connection info (1a49035)
    - fix: check if node is connected before chest creation/import; Do not allow wallet generation if node is disconnected; live check (7cbf328)
    - Check network state, try to reconnect if network up, display message if offline (7c11146)
    - update README: change roadmap (29505ad)
    - fix: null balance deleting check (d62691d)
  • v0.0.8+7
    - fix: paymentPopup: do not allow '.' or ',' in first (fd5504e)
  • v0.0.8+6
    fix: allow comma in payment pop, replaced by point
    restore chest: can use space to go next case
    fix: can certify after renewable spend time
    fix: change cacheBalance type
    add timeout to scanDerivation
    bump polkawallet-sdk to change webview port from 8080 to 6234
    set release keys
  • v0.0.8+3 Release: Ğecko - v0.0.8+3
  • v0.0.8+0 Release: Ğecko - v0.0.8+0
  • v0.0.7+10 Release: Ğecko - v0.0.7+10
  • v0.0.7+9 Release: Ğecko - v0.0.7+9
  • v0.0.7+8 Release: Ğecko - v0.0.7+8