Don't allow to pass multiple times the same pubkey to the balance command
When requesting balance for many pubkeys, if the user makes a mistake and asks many times for the same pubkey, Silkaj adds this pubkey's balance many times. Example :
silkaj -gt balance d88fPFbDdJXJANHH7hedFMaRyGcnVZj9c5cDaE76LRN d88fPFbDdJXJANHH7hedFMaRyGcnVZj9c5cDaE76LRN:FVm AhRMHUxMPXSeG7qXZrE6qCdjwK9p2bu5Eqei7xAWVEDK:CWj
│ Balance of pubkey │ d88fPFbDdJXJANHH7hedFMaRyGcnVZj9c5cDaE76LRN:FVm │
│ Total amount (unit|relative) │ 2863602.0 ĞTest | 145.43 UD ĞTest │
│ Total relative to M/N │ 1.22 x M/N │
│ Balance of pubkey │ d88fPFbDdJXJANHH7hedFMaRyGcnVZj9c5cDaE76LRN:FVm │
│ Total amount (unit|relative) │ 2863602.0 ĞTest | 145.43 UD ĞTest │
│ Total relative to M/N │ 1.22 x M/N │
│ Balance of pubkey │ AhRMHUxMPXSeG7qXZrE6qCdjwK9p2bu5Eqei7xAWVEDK:CWj │
│ Total amount (unit|relative) │ 28990.75 ĞTest | 1.47 UD ĞTest │
│ Total relative to M/N │ 0.01 x M/N │
│ Balance of pubkey │ Total │
│ Total amount (unit|relative) │ 5756194.75 ĞTest | 292.34 UD ĞTest │
│ Total relative to M/N │ 2.44 x M/N │
Edited by Moul