Hugo Trentesaux authored
* working dockerfile * wip dockerfile TODO make duniter-polkadot-sdk repo lighter to avoid long download time in docker build (cherry picked from commit 5f4b716f) * update subxt and polkadot sdk
Hugo Trentesaux authored* working dockerfile * wip dockerfile TODO make duniter-polkadot-sdk repo lighter to avoid long download time in docker build (cherry picked from commit 5f4b716f) * update subxt and polkadot sdk
cesium.rs 2.05 KiB
use crate::*;
use bs58;
/// define cesium subcommands
#[derive(Clone, Default, Debug, clap::Parser)]
pub enum Subcommand {
// Nothing
#[clap(hide = true)]
/// Analyse a base58 pubkey and gives it in all its form
Pubkey { pubkey: String },
/// Prompt for cesium input
/// handle blockchain commands
pub async fn handle_command(_data: Data, command: Subcommand) -> Result<(), GcliError> {
match command {
Subcommand::Nothing => {}
Subcommand::Pubkey { pubkey } => {
let raw_pubkey = bs58::decode(pubkey).into_vec().unwrap();
let raw_pubkey: [u8; 32] = if raw_pubkey.len() > 32 {
return Err(GcliError::Input("invalid pubkey size".to_string()));
} else {
[vec![0; 32 - raw_pubkey.len()], raw_pubkey]
println!("Pubkey (hex): 0x{}", hex::encode(raw_pubkey));
let address: AccountId = sp_core::ed25519::Public::from_raw(raw_pubkey).into();
println!("Address (SS58): {}", address);
Subcommand::Prompt => {
let keypair = prompt_secret_cesium();
println!("Pubkey: {}", bs58::encode(keypair.pkey).into_string());
let address: AccountId = keypair.pkey.into();
println!("Address: {}", address);
pub struct CesiumSigner<T: subxt::Config> {
account_id: T::AccountId,
keypair: nacl::sign::Keypair,
impl<T> CesiumSigner<T>
T: subxt::Config,
T::AccountId: From<[u8; 32]>,
pub fn new(keypair: nacl::sign::Keypair) -> Self {
Self {
account_id: T::AccountId::from(keypair.pkey),
impl<T> subxt::tx::Signer<T> for CesiumSigner<T>
T: subxt::Config,
T::Address: From<T::AccountId>,
T::Signature: From<sp_core::ed25519::Signature>,
fn account_id(&self) -> T::AccountId {
fn address(&self) -> T::Address {
fn sign(&self, payload: &[u8]) -> T::Signature {
nacl::sign::signature(payload, &self.keypair.skey)
.expect("could not read signature"),