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  • clients/rust/gcli-v2s
  • d0p1/gcli-v2s
  • flebon/gcli-v2s
  • zicmama/gcli-v2s
  • Nicolas80/gcli-v2s
5 results
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Commits on Source (112)
linker = "o64-clang"
rustflags = [
/target /target
\ No newline at end of file
# Official language image. Look for the different tagged releases at:
- tests
- build
- release
stage: tests
image: rust:buster
- cargo test
stage: build
image: rust:buster
# Build the project for Linux
- cargo build --release
# Create Debian package
- cargo install cargo-deb
- cargo deb --no-build
- ls target/debian/*.deb | head -n 1 > debian_package.txt
- target/release/gcli
- target/debian/*.deb
- debian_package.txt
- target/release
- target/debian
- tags
stage: build
image: poka/rust-osxcross:latest
# Install the required dependencies
- rustup target add x86_64-apple-darwin
# Build the project for macOS
- cargo build --release --target x86_64-apple-darwin
# Create the macOS bundle
- rm -rf target/macos
- mkdir -p target/macos
- cargo bundle --release --target x86_64-apple-darwin
# Add Info.plist and install_gcli.scpt
- cd target/x86_64-apple-darwin/release/bundle/osx
- mkdir -p
- cp /opt/Info.plist
- cp /opt/install_gcli.scpt
- echo -e "Just unzip and open it.\nenjoy" > instructions.txt
# Zip the before moving it
- zip -r instructions.txt
- mv ../../../../macos/ # target/macos/
- target/macos
- target/macos
- tags
stage: release
- echo "Creating a release..."
- apk update && apk add git
- git fetch --tags
- LAST_VERSION=$(git tag --sort=-v:refname | sed -n '2p')
- git log --pretty="format:- %s ([%h]($CI_PROJECT_URL/-/commit/%h)) " HEAD...$LAST_VERSION --reverse > release_description.txt
name: "v$CI_COMMIT_TAG"
description: "Latest changes:\n$(cat release_description.txt)"
tag_name: "$CI_COMMIT_TAG"
- name: "gcli v$CI_COMMIT_TAG for Linux (binary)"
url: "$CI_PROJECT_URL/-/jobs/artifacts/$CI_COMMIT_TAG/raw/target/release/gcli?job=build_linux"
- name: "gcli v$CI_COMMIT_TAG Debian Package"
url: "$CI_PROJECT_URL/-/jobs/artifacts/$CI_COMMIT_TAG/raw/$(cat debian_package.txt)?job=build_linux"
- name: "gcli v$CI_COMMIT_TAG for macOS"
url: "$CI_PROJECT_URL/-/jobs/artifacts/$CI_COMMIT_TAG/raw/target/macos/"
- tags
- build_linux
- build_macos
- debian_package.txt
"rust-analyzer.server.extraEnv": null,
"rust-analyzer.diagnostics.disabled": ["non_camel_case_types"],
"windicss.includeLanguages": {},
\ No newline at end of file
# Changelog
List of changelogs ordered from latest to oldest
## [0.4.0] - 2025-02-xx
### Changed
- Old key files cannot be used directly anymore, they have to be migrated to the SQLite file database. You can use the following commands for that:
- `gcli vault list-files` lists _old_ key files from previous versions
- `gcli vault migrate` which allows to migrate _old_ key files into the vault database
- Some arguments and commands were adapted
- Arguments
- **SecretFormat** (`-S`): _cesium_ was renamed to _g1v1_ - but it will still work properly if using _cesium_
- Several arguments were renamed for clarity. Examples:
- `<TARGET>` => `<USERNAME>`
- Commands
- `gcli vault import` now has an optional **SecretFormat** `-S` argument with _substrate_ as default value
- It is now possible to import _substrate_ URI, _seed_, _g1v1_ id/secret (old "cesium") keys into the vault.
- `gcli vault list` now has sub-commands and only shows Addresses from the SQLite file database
### Added
- Support for SQLite file database to persist vault data
- global `-v <NAME>` argument to select a vault Address by name (mutually exclusive with `-a <ADDRESS>` argument)
- Already mentioned in the "Changed" section above, but it is now possible to add different kind of keys to the vault when doing `vault import`
- Default providing _substrate_ URI (or `-S substrate`): can be a mnemonic or a mini-secret ('0x' prefixed seed) together with optional derivation path; using Sr25519 crypto scheme
- `-S seed`: using the 32 character hexadecimal secret seed; using Sr25519 crypto scheme
- `-S g1v1` (or `-S cesium`): allows to input G1v1 `id` and `secret`; using Ed25519 crypto scheme
- Added possibility to `derive` non _g1v1_/_cesium_ Addresses (see `gcli vault derive`)
- Some commands were added
- `gcli vault list all` List all \<Base\> SS58 Addresses and their linked derivations in the vault
- `gcli vault list for` List \<Base\> and Derivation SS58 Addresses linked to the selected one
- `gcli vault list base` List all \<Base\> SS58 Addresses in the vault
- `gcli vault use` Use specific SS58 Address (changes the config Address)
- `gcli vault derive` Add a derivation to an existing SS58 Address
- `gcli vault rename` Give a meaningful name to an SS58 Address in the vault
- `gcli vault remove` Remove an SS58 Address from the vault together with its linked derivations
- `gcli vault inspect` Inspect a vault entry, retrieving its Substrate URI (will provide more data in a future version)
- `gcli vault list-files` (deprecated) List available key files (needs to be migrated with command `vault migrate` in order to use them)
- `gcli vault migrate` (deprecated) Migrate old key files into db (will have to provide password for each key)
### Fixed
- None
### Deprecated
- Two commands are now deprecated and will be removed in a future release
- `gcli vault list-files`
- `gcli vault migrate`
### Removed
- None
### CI/CD
- #45, !42:
- In linux build job, switch to "non-slim" Debian image which provides `libssl-dev` now required
- Introduce linux tests job (#46)
- !38: Build deb and macos pkgs in parallel
## [0.3.0] - 2024-10-10
### Added
- Previous version without changelog
This diff is collapsed.
[package] [package]
authors = ["librelois <>", "tuxmain <>"] authors = [
"librelois <>",
"tuxmain <>",
"h30x <>",
edition = "2021" edition = "2021"
license = "AGPL-3.0" rust-version = "1.75.0"
license = "AGPL-3.0-only"
name = "gcli" name = "gcli"
repository = "" repository = ""
version = "0.1.0" description = "A command-line interface for Duniter v2s uses"
version = "0.4.0"
[dependencies] [dependencies]
anyhow = "1.0" # subxt is main dependency
clap = { version = "4.1.9", features = ["derive"] } subxt = { git = '', branch = 'subxt-v0.37.0-duniter-substrate-v1.14.0', default-features = false, features = [
codec = { package = "parity-scale-codec", version = "3.4.0" } "substrate-compat",
env_logger = "0.10" "native",
futures = "0.3.27" "jsonrpsee",
graphql_client = { version = "0.12.0", features = ["reqwest"] } ] }
hex = "0.4.3"
log = "0.4.17"
reqwest = "0.11.14"
rpassword = "7.2.0"
serde = { version = "1.0", features = ["derive"] }
serde_json = "1.0.94"
sp-core = { git = "", branch = "duniter-substrate-v0.9.32" }
subxt = { git = "", branch = "duniter-substrate-v0.9.32" }
tokio = { version = "1.26.0", features = ["macros"] }
# allows to build gcli with different predefined networks # substrate primitives dependencies
sp-core = { git = "", branch = "duniter-substrate-v1.14.0" }
sp-runtime = { git = "", branch = "duniter-substrate-v1.14.0" }
# dependencies
anyhow = "^1.0"
clap = { version = "^4.5.19", features = ["derive"] }
codec = { package = "parity-scale-codec", version = "^3.6.12" }
env_logger = "^0.10"
futures = "^0.3.30"
graphql_client = { version = "^0.13.0", features = ["reqwest-rustls"] }
hex = "^0.4.3"
log = "^0.4.22"
reqwest = { version = "^0.11.27", default-features = false, features = [
] }
inquire = "^0.7.5"
serde = { version = "^1.0", features = ["derive"] }
serde_json = "^1.0.128"
tokio = { version = "^1.40.0", features = ["macros"] }
confy = "^0.5.1"
bs58 = "^0.5.1"
directories = "^5.0.1"
comfy-table = "^7.1.1"
sea-orm = { version = "1.1.0", features = [ "sqlx-sqlite", "runtime-tokio-native-tls", "macros" ] }
# crypto
scrypt = { version = "^0.11", default-features = false } # for old-style key generation
# this is beta crate for password-encrypted files
age = { default-features = false, version = "^0.10.0", features = ["armor"] }
bip39 = { version = "^2.0.0", features = ["rand"] } # mnemonic
colored = "2.1.0"
# Tests
rstest = "0.23.0"
indoc = "2.0.5"
# allows to build gcli for different runtimes and with different predefined networks
[features] [features]
default = ["dev"] # default feature is "dev" default = ["gdev"] # default runtime is "gdev", gdev network is available
dev = []
gdev = [] gdev = []
gtest = [] gtest = []
g1 = [] g1 = []
name = "gcli"
identifier = "com.axiomteam.gcli"
icon = ["gcli.png"]
# FROM rustlang/rust:nightly-slim as build
# nightly needed for -Zgit=shallow-deps build but ahash problem with stdsimd
FROM rust:latest as build
# # Use musl Rust image
# FROM clux/muslrust:1.75.0-stable as build
# Copy the Cargo.toml and Cargo.lock files to leverage Docker's caching mechanism
COPY Cargo.toml Cargo.lock ./
# Build the dependencies of the application separately
RUN --mount=type=cache,target=/app/target \
--mount=type=cache,target=/root/.cargo/registry \
mkdir src \
&& echo "fn main() {}" > src/ \
&& cargo build --release \
&& rm -r src
# Copy the rest of the source code
COPY ./res ./res
COPY ./src ./src
# Build the application
RUN cargo build --release
# Start release stage
FROM debian as release
# Set the working directory to the location of the built application
# Copy the built application from the previous stage
COPY --from=build /app/target/release/gcli .
# Specify the entrypoint for the container
ENTRYPOINT ["/app/gcli"]
\ No newline at end of file
# Stage 1: Build environment with all dependencies
FROM rust:slim-bookworm as builder
# Install necessary dependencies
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
clang \
llvm \
make \
file \
git \
curl \
cmake \
python3 \
python3-dev \
# Clone osxcross repository and set up
RUN git clone /opt/osxcross && \
cd /opt/osxcross && \
./tools/ && \
cd /opt/osxcross/tarballs && \
curl -LO && \
cd /opt/osxcross && \
# Stage 2: Create the final image with only the necessary files
FROM rust:slim-bookworm
# Install cargo-bundle
RUN cargo install cargo-bundle
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends clang zip; \
apt-get clean; \
rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*;
# Copy cargo plugins from the builder stage
COPY --from=builder /opt/osxcross/target /opt/osxcross/target
# Set environment variables for osxcross and Rust
ENV PATH="/opt/osxcross/target/bin:/usr/local/cargo/bin:$PATH"
ENV CC="o64-clang"
ENV CXX="o64-clang++"
# Add rust target for macOS
RUN rustup target add x86_64-apple-darwin
# Copy scripts
COPY scripts/install_gcli.scpt /opt/install_gcli.scpt
COPY scripts/Info.plist /opt/Info.plist
# Define the entrypoint
CMD ["bash"]
...@@ -6,6 +6,18 @@ Using ...@@ -6,6 +6,18 @@ Using
- -
- -
## Install
Download from [release]( or build with `cargo build`.
On debian derived systems you can also :
check on [release]( page for latest version then in bash cli :
GCLI_VERSION={change me with latest version (0.2.14 in 2024 summer) and remove {}}
mv gcli_* gcli_package.deb
dpkg -i gcli_package.deb
## Usage ## Usage
If using a different runtime, update the metadata for the client to compile: If using a different runtime, update the metadata for the client to compile:
...@@ -14,11 +26,13 @@ If using a different runtime, update the metadata for the client to compile: ...@@ -14,11 +26,13 @@ If using a different runtime, update the metadata for the client to compile:
Send 10 ĞD from Alice to Ferdie: Send 10 ĞD from Alice to Ferdie:
cargo run -- --url ws://localhost:9944 --secret //Alice transfer 1000 5CiPPseXPECbkjWCa6MnjNokrgYjMqmKndv2rSnekmSK2DjL cargo run -- --url ws://localhost:9944 --secret //Alice account transfer 1000 5CiPPseXPECbkjWCa6MnjNokrgYjMqmKndv2rSnekmSK2DjL
List certifications and session keys that will expire within one month: List certifications and session keys that will expire within one month:
cargo run -- --url wss:// expire --blocks 432000 cargo run -- --url wss:// smith expire --blocks 432000
For more examples see [in the doc](./doc). `cargo run --` is replaced by `gcli` as if the binary was added to your path.
#### Log level #### Log level
...@@ -51,8 +65,8 @@ Now the command `duniter-rpc` will open an SSH session and a bridge to your RPC ...@@ -51,8 +65,8 @@ Now the command `duniter-rpc` will open an SSH session and a bridge to your RPC
When your node is ready to forge blocks, rotate keys and go online: When your node is ready to forge blocks, rotate keys and go online:
```bash ```bash
gcli --secret "my secret phrase" update-keys gcli --secret "my secret phrase" smith update-keys
gcli --secret "my secret phrase" go-online gcli --secret "my secret phrase" smith go-online
``` ```
### Keys ### Keys
...@@ -62,3 +76,7 @@ Secret and/or public keys can always be passed using `--secret` and `--address`. ...@@ -62,3 +76,7 @@ Secret and/or public keys can always be passed using `--secret` and `--address`.
Secret key format can be changed using `--secret-format` with the following values: Secret key format can be changed using `--secret-format` with the following values:
* `substrate`: a Substrate secret address (optionally followed by a derivation path), or BIP39 mnemonic * `substrate`: a Substrate secret address (optionally followed by a derivation path), or BIP39 mnemonic
* `seed`: a 32-bytes seed in hexadecimal (Duniter v1 compatible) * `seed`: a 32-bytes seed in hexadecimal (Duniter v1 compatible)
## Changelog
For a detailed list of changes, see the [CHANGELOG](./
\ No newline at end of file
# Ğcli config
Some Ğcli commands require to have an address configured (for example to get account balance), some require to have a secret configured (to sign extrinsics).
Ğcli allows to save the address you want in a config file and to overwrite parts in command line arguments. Example:
# save Alice address to config file
gcli -S predefined -s Alice config save
# show config
gcli config show
# [stdout]
# Ğcli config
# duniter endpoint ws://localhost:9944
# indexer endpoint http://localhost:8080/v1/graphql
# address 5GrwvaEF5zXb26Fz9rcQpDWS57CtERHpNehXCPcNoHGKutQY
# use different address in command line
gcli --address 5Fxune7f71ZbpP2FoY3mhYcmM596Erhv1gRue4nsPwkxMR4n config show
# [stdout]
# Ğcli config
# duniter endpoint ws://localhost:9944
# indexer endpoint http://localhost:8080/v1/graphql
# address 5Fxune7f71ZbpP2FoY3mhYcmM596Erhv1gRue4nsPwkxMR4n
This also applies to rpc endpoint config (`--url`) or indexer config (`--indexer`).
## Using password encrypted vault
For convenience, default accounts are hardcoded in Ğcli without needing a password:
# when Alice address is stored in config file
gcli account transfer 1 5Fxune7f71ZbpP2FoY3mhYcmM596Erhv1gRue4nsPwkxMR4n
# no need for password to sign transaction
but in general usage, you want to store your secret in the local vault.
Here is an example that:
* adds a base _substrate_ account
* adds a derivation on it
* lists all available Addresses in the vault
* selects that derivation Address
* makes a transfer from selected Address
# add a new secret to the vault using substrate uri
gcli vault import
# [stdout]
# gcli vault import
# Substrate URI can be a mnemonic or a mini-secret ('0x' prefixed seed) together with optional derivation path
# > Substrate URI: ********
# Trying to import for SS58 address :'5DfhGyQdFobKM8NsWvEeAKk5EQQgYe9AydgJ7rMB6E1EqRzV'
# Enter password to protect the key
# > Password ********
# (Optional) Enter a name for the vault entry
# > Name: test-mnemonic
# Creating <Base> account Base[address:5DfhGyQdFobKM8NsWvEeAKk5EQQgYe9AydgJ7rMB6E1EqRzV, name:Some("test-mnemonic"), crypto_scheme:Some(Sr25519)]
# Change done
# add a derivation to that Address and give it name "firstDerive"
gcli vault derive -a 5DfhGyQdFobKM8NsWvEeAKk5EQQgYe9AydgJ7rMB6E1EqRzV
# [stdout]
# Adding derivation to: Base[address:5DfhGyQdFobKM8NsWvEeAKk5EQQgYe9AydgJ7rMB6E1EqRzV, name:Some("test-mnemonic"), crypto_scheme:Some(Sr25519)]
# Its parent hierarchy is this:
# ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
# │ SS58 Address/G1v1 public key Crypto Path Name │
# ╞═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╡
# │ 5DfhGyQdFobKM8NsWvEeAKk5EQQgYe9AydgJ7rMB6E1EqRzV sr25519 <Base> test-mnemonic │
# └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
# The linked <Base> account is Base[address:5DfhGyQdFobKM8NsWvEeAKk5EQQgYe9AydgJ7rMB6E1EqRzV, name:Some("test-mnemonic"), crypto_scheme:Some(Sr25519)]
# Enter password to decrypt the <Base> account key
# > Password ********
# > Derivation path: //1
# Trying to create derivation with address '5GBNeWRhZc2jXu7D55rBimKYDk8PGk8itRYFTPfC8RJLKG5o'
# (Optional) Enter a name for the vault entry
# > Name: firstDerive
# Creating derivation account Derivation[address:5GBNeWRhZc2jXu7D55rBimKYDk8PGk8itRYFTPfC8RJLKG5o, name:Some("firstDerive"), path:Some("//1"), parent:Some("5DfhGyQdFobKM8NsWvEeAKk5EQQgYe9AydgJ7rMB6E1EqRzV")]
# Change done
# list available Addresses in the vault
gcli vault list all
# [stdout]
# available SS58 Addresses:
# ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
# │ SS58 Address/G1v1 public key Crypto Path Name │
# ╞═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╡
# │ 5DfhGyQdFobKM8NsWvEeAKk5EQQgYe9AydgJ7rMB6E1EqRzV sr25519 <Base> test-mnemonic │
# │ ├ 5GBNeWRhZc2jXu7D55rBimKYDk8PGk8itRYFTPfC8RJLKG5o //1 firstDerive │
# └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
# Use "firstDerive" derivation Address (changes the config Address)
gcli vault use -v firstDerive
# [stdout]
# Using: Derivation[address:5GBNeWRhZc2jXu7D55rBimKYDk8PGk8itRYFTPfC8RJLKG5o, name:Some("firstDerive"), path:Some("//1"), parent:Some("5DfhGyQdFobKM8NsWvEeAKk5EQQgYe9AydgJ7rMB6E1EqRzV")]
# Configuration updated!
After saving your secret to the vault, you will be able to unlock it with the password:
gcli account transfer 123 5Fxune7f71ZbpP2FoY3mhYcmM596Erhv1gRue4nsPwkxMR4n
# [stdout]
# (Vault: Derivation[address:5GBNeWRhZc2jXu7D55rBimKYDk8PGk8itRYFTPfC8RJLKG5o, name:Some("firstDerive"), path:Some("//1"), parent:Some("5DfhGyQdFobKM8NsWvEeAKk5EQQgYe9AydgJ7rMB6E1EqRzV")])
# > Password ********
# transaction submitted to the network, waiting 6 seconds...
# transfered 1.23 ĞD (5GBNeWRhZc2jXu7D55rBimKYDk8PGk8itRYFTPfC8RJLKG5o → 5Fxune7f71ZbpP2FoY3mhYcmM596Erhv1gRue4nsPwkxMR4n)
You can display the secret files location:
gcli vault where
# [stdout]
# /home/hugo/.local/share/gcli
There are more commands and options available; please use `--help` argument in any of the commands to get their description.
A few examples:
gcli --help
# [stdout]
# A command-line interface for Duniter v2s uses
# Usage: gcli [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>
# Commands:
# account Account (balance, transfer...)
# identity Identity (get, create, confirm, revoke...)
# smith Smith (certify, go-online, go-offline...)
# tech Tech (list members, proposals, vote...)
# ud Universal Dividend (claim...)
# oneshot Oneshot account (balance, create, consume...)
# blockchain Blockchain (current block, runtime info...)
# indexer Indexer (check, latest block)
# config Config (show, save...)
# vault Key management (import, generate, list...)
# help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
# Options:
# -i, --indexer <INDEXER> Overwrite indexer endpoint
# --no-indexer Do not use indexer
# -s, --secret <SECRET> Secret key or BIP39 mnemonic (only used when secret format is compatible) (eventually followed by derivation path)
# -S, --secret-format <SECRET_FORMAT> Secret key format (seed, substrate, g1v1)
# -a <ADDRESS> SS58 Address
# -v <NAME> Name of an SS58 Address in the vault
# -u, --url <URL> Overwrite duniter websocket RPC endpoint
# -n, --network <NETWORK> Target network (local, gdev, gtest...)
# --no-wait prevent waiting for extrinsic completion
# -o, --output-format <OUTPUT_FORMAT> Output format (human, json, ...) [default: human]
# -h, --help Print help
# -V, --version Print version
gcli vault --help
# [stdout]
# Key management (import, generate, list...)
# Usage: gcli vault <COMMAND>
# Commands:
# list List available SS58 Addresses in the vault
# use Use specific SS58 Address (changes the config Address)
# generate Generate a mnemonic
# import Import key from (substrate uri) or other format with interactive prompt
# derive Add a derivation to an existing SS58 Address
# rename Give a meaningful name to an SS58 Address in the vault
# remove Remove an SS58 Address from the vault together with its linked derivations
# inspect Inspect a vault entry, retrieving its Substrate URI (will provide more data in a future version)
# list-files (deprecated) List available key files (needs to be migrated with command `vault migrate` in order to use them)
# migrate (deprecated) Migrate old key files into db (will have to provide password for each key)
# where Show where vault db (or old keys) is stored
# help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
# Options:
# -h, --help Print help
And some commands have a more detailed description when requesting `--help` from them:
gcli vault derive --help
# [stdout]
# Add a derivation to an existing SS58 Address.
# Only "sr25519" crypto scheme is supported for derivations.
# Use command `vault list base` to see available <Base> account and their crypto scheme
# And then use command 'vault list for' to find all accounts linked to that <Base> account.
# Usage: gcli vault derive <-a <ADDRESS>|-v <NAME>>
# Options:
# -a <ADDRESS>
# SS58 Address
# -v <NAME>
# Name of an SS58 Address in the vault
# -h, --help
# Print help (see a summary with '-h')
\ No newline at end of file
# Examples of gcli commands for copy-paste
## Configuration
It can be handful to use Ǧcli with a configuration file to avoid passing arguments on every command.
# show config commands
gcli config
# show where config file is stored
gcli config where
# save config to use gdev network for next commands
gcli --network gdev config save
# save config to use Alice predefined account
gcli -S predefined -s Alice config save
# the arguments above can be combined
# command below sets local network and predefined secret
gcli --network local -S predefined -s Alice config save
In the following, we assume this last command was run. More about the config in [](./
## Commands
Here is a list of useful commands
# get duniter current block
gcli blockchain current-block
# get balance of configured account
gcli account balance
# get identity information without indexer
gcli --no-indexer identity get -a 5Hn2LeMZXPFitMwrmrGucwtAPSLEiP4o5zTF7kHzMBtEkJUr
# get information about Alice identity (needs indexer)
gcli identity get --username Alice
# claim universal dividends
gcli ud claim
# transfer 5000 units
gcli account transfer 5000 5E4i8vcNjnrDp21Sbnp32WHm2gz8YP3GGFwmdpfg5bHd8Whb
For testing purpose it can be useful to submit extrinsic without waiting for result and create block manually.
# only submit extrinsic to network and do not listen to result
gcli --no-wait account transfer 1234 5FeggKqw2AbnGZF9Y9WPM2QTgzENS3Hit94Ewgmzdg5a3LNa
# create block manually (with manual sealing)
gcli blockchain create-block
## Indexer commands
You can check first that indexer is on the same network as Duniter node:
# check if indexer is on the same chain as duniter
gcli indexer check
The following commands uniquely relate with indexer.
# show latest indexer indexed block
gcli indexer latest-block
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# Docker
Docker image for gcli is useful for people with docker-based infrastructure or old system with old glibc or libssl.
## Build
## Use
To use gcli, run it with docker:
docker run --rm gcli
Ğcli uses folders to store config and vault. You can bind local folders to these locations:
# create folders
mkdir -p $HOME/.config/gcli/
mkdir -p $HOME/.local/share/gcli/
# run gcli in docker with there folders
docker run --rm \
--mount type=bind,src=$HOME/.config/gcli/,dst=/root/.config/gcli \
--mount type=bind,src=$HOME/.local/share/gcli/,dst=/root/.local/share/gcli \
An alias can be useful:
# define alias
alias docker_gcli="docker run --rm \
--mount type=bind,src=$HOME/.config/gcli/,dst=/root/.config/gcli \
--mount type=bind,src=$HOME/.local/share/gcli/,dst=/root/.local/share/gcli \
# then simply call
docker_gcli --help
# Also generated by chatGPT
# Name of your Docker image
# Version of your Docker image
# Build and tag the Docker image using Docker Buildx
docker buildx build -t "$IMAGE_NAME:$IMAGE_VERSION" .
# Optionally, you can push the image to a Docker registry
# docker push "$IMAGE_NAME:$IMAGE_VERSION"
# Resources
## Graphql schema and queries for Duniter indexer
Update the schema with:
# install graphql client cli
cargo install graphql_client_cli
# download schema from node
graphql-client introspect-schema --output ./res/indexer-schema.json
## Metadata
To update the scale-encoded Duniter metadata, spawn a node and run the subxt command.
# install subxt
cargo install subxt
# spawn a node listening on localhost:9944
duniter --dev
# fetch the metadata with subxt
subxt metadata -f bytes > res/metadata.scale
query IdentityNameByIndex($index: Int!) {
identity(where: { index: { _eq: $index } }) {
query NamesByIndexes($indexes: [Int!]!) {
identity(where: { index: { _in: $indexes } }) {
query IdentityInfo($index: Int!) {
identity(where: { index: { _eq: $index } }) {
certIssued(orderBy: { expireOn: DESC }, where: { isActive: { _eq: true } }) {
receiver {
certReceived(orderBy: { expireOn: DESC }, where: { isActive: { _eq: true } }) {
issuer {
linkedAccount {
smith {
smithCertIssued(orderBy: { createdOn: DESC }) {
receiver {
identity {
smithCertReceived(orderBy: { createdOn: DESC }) {
issuer {
identity {
query IdentityNameByPubkey($pubkey: String!) { query IdentityNameByPubkey($pubkey: String!) {
identity(where: {pubkey: {_eq: $pubkey}}) { identity(where: { account: { id: { _eq: $pubkey } } }) {
name name
} }
query WasIdentityNameByPubkey($pubkey: String!) {
accountByPk(id: $pubkey) {
wasIdentity {
identity {
query LatestBlock {
block(limit: 1, orderBy: { height: DESC }) {
query BlockByNumber($number: Int!) {
block(where: { height: { _eq: $number } }) {
} }
query IdentityPubkeyByName($name: String!) { query GenesisHash {
identity_by_pk(name: $name) { block(where: { height: { _eq: 0 } }) {
pubkey hash
} }
} }
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