<details><summary><code>create_pure(proxy_type, delay, index)</code></summary>
Taking 0.0141 % of a block.
proxy_type: T::ProxyType
delay: BlockNumberFor<T>
index: u16
See [`Pallet::create_pure`].
#### kill_pure - 5
<details><summary><code>kill_pure(spawner, proxy_type, index, height, ext_index)</code></summary>
Taking 0.0125 % of a block.
spawner: AccountIdLookupOf<T>
proxy_type: T::ProxyType
height: BlockNumberFor<T>
ext_index: u32
See [`Pallet::kill_pure`].
#### announce - 6
<details><summary><code>announce(real, call_hash)</code></summary>
Taking 0.0218 % of a block.
real: AccountIdLookupOf<T>
call_hash: CallHashOf<T>
See [`Pallet::announce`].
#### remove_announcement - 7
<details><summary><code>remove_announcement(real, call_hash)</code></summary>
Taking 0.0198 % of a block.
real: AccountIdLookupOf<T>
call_hash: CallHashOf<T>
See [`Pallet::remove_announcement`].
#### reject_announcement - 8
<details><summary><code>reject_announcement(delegate, call_hash)</code></summary>
Taking 0.02 % of a block.
delegate: AccountIdLookupOf<T>
call_hash: CallHashOf<T>
See [`Pallet::reject_announcement`].
#### proxy_announced - 9
<details><summary><code>proxy_announced(delegate, real, force_proxy_type, call)</code></summary>
Taking 0.0235 % of a block.
delegate: AccountIdLookupOf<T>
real: AccountIdLookupOf<T>
force_proxy_type: Option<T::ProxyType>
call: Box<<T as Config>::RuntimeCall>
See [`Pallet::proxy_announced`].
#### batch - 0
Taking 0.2728 % of a block.
calls: Vec<<T as Config>::RuntimeCall>
See [`Pallet::batch`].
#### as_derivative - 1
<details><summary><code>as_derivative(index, call)</code></summary>
Taking 0.004 % of a block.
index: u16
call: Box<<T as Config>::RuntimeCall>
See [`Pallet::as_derivative`].
#### batch_all - 2
Taking 0.2935 % of a block.
calls: Vec<<T as Config>::RuntimeCall>
See [`Pallet::batch_all`].
#### force_batch - 4
Taking 0.3104 % of a block.
calls: Vec<<T as Config>::RuntimeCall>
See [`Pallet::force_batch`].
#### with_weight - 5
<details><summary><code>with_weight(call, weight)</code></summary>
No weight available.
call: Box<<T as Config>::RuntimeCall>
weight: Weight
See [`Pallet::with_weight`].
#### propose_spend - 0
<details><summary><code>propose_spend(value, beneficiary)</code></summary>
Taking 0.0183 % of a block.
value: BalanceOf<T, I>
beneficiary: AccountIdLookupOf<T>
See [`Pallet::propose_spend`].
#### spend_local - 3
<details><summary><code>spend_local(amount, beneficiary)</code></summary>
Taking 0.0036 % of a block.
amount: BalanceOf<T, I>
beneficiary: AccountIdLookupOf<T>
See [`Pallet::spend_local`].
#### remove_approval - 4
Taking 0.0111 % of a block.
proposal_id: ProposalIndex
See [`Pallet::remove_approval`].
#### spend - 5
<details><summary><code>spend(asset_kind, amount, beneficiary, valid_from)</code></summary>
Taking 0.0035 % of a block.
asset_kind: Box<T::AssetKind>
amount: AssetBalanceOf<T, I>
beneficiary: Box<BeneficiaryLookupOf<T, I>>
valid_from: Option<BlockNumberFor<T>>
See [`Pallet::spend`].
#### payout - 6
Taking 0.0326 % of a block.
index: SpendIndex
See [`Pallet::payout`].
#### check_status - 7
Taking 0.011 % of a block.
index: SpendIndex
See [`Pallet::check_status`].
#### void_spend - 8
Taking 0.011 % of a block.
index: SpendIndex
See [`Pallet::void_spend`].
## Root calls
There are **18** root calls from **8** pallets.
### System - 0
#### set_heap_pages - 1
Taking 0.0169 % of a block.
pages: u64
See [`Pallet::set_heap_pages`].
#### set_code - 2
Taking 3.9604 % of a block.
code: Vec<u8>
See [`Pallet::set_code`].
#### set_code_without_checks - 3
No weight available.
code: Vec<u8>
See [`Pallet::set_code_without_checks`].
#### set_storage - 4
Taking 5.9169 % of a block.
items: Vec<KeyValue>
See [`Pallet::set_storage`].
#### kill_storage - 5
Taking 5.8899 % of a block.
keys: Vec<Key>
See [`Pallet::kill_storage`].
#### kill_prefix - 6
<details><summary><code>kill_prefix(prefix, subkeys)</code></summary>
Taking 7.0785 % of a block.
prefix: Key
See [`Pallet::kill_prefix`].
#### authorize_upgrade - 9
Taking 0.0098 % of a block.
code_hash: T::Hash
See [`Pallet::authorize_upgrade`].
#### authorize_upgrade_without_checks - 10
No weight available.
code_hash: T::Hash
See [`Pallet::authorize_upgrade_without_checks`].
#### apply_authorized_upgrade - 11
Taking 4.1178 % of a block.
code: Vec<u8>
See [`Pallet::apply_authorized_upgrade`].
### Babe - 3
#### plan_config_change - 2
No weight available.
config: NextConfigDescriptor
See [`Pallet::plan_config_change`].
### Balances - 6
#### force_transfer - 2
<details><summary><code>force_transfer(source, dest, value)</code></summary>
Taking 0.0347 % of a block.
source: AccountIdLookupOf<T>
dest: AccountIdLookupOf<T>
value: T::Balance
See [`Pallet::force_transfer`].
#### force_unreserve - 5
<details><summary><code>force_unreserve(who, amount)</code></summary>
Taking 0.0128 % of a block.
who: AccountIdLookupOf<T>
amount: T::Balance
See [`Pallet::force_unreserve`].
### AuthorityMembers - 11
#### remove_member - 3
Taking 0.073 % of a block.
member_id: T::MemberId
See [`Pallet::remove_member`].
### Grandpa - 16
#### note_stalled - 2
<details><summary><code>note_stalled(delay, best_finalized_block_number)</code></summary>
No weight available.
delay: BlockNumberFor<T>
best_finalized_block_number: BlockNumberFor<T>
See [`Pallet::note_stalled`].
### TechnicalCommittee - 23
#### set_members - 0
<details><summary><code>set_members(new_members, prime, old_count)</code></summary>
Taking 0.175 % of a block.
new_members: Vec<T::AccountId>
prime: Option<T::AccountId>
old_count: MemberCount
See [`Pallet::set_members`].
#### disapprove_proposal - 5
Taking 0.0236 % of a block.
proposal_hash: T::Hash
See [`Pallet::disapprove_proposal`].
#### prune_item_identities_names - 6
Taking 5.9553 % of a block.
names: Vec<IdtyName>
See [`Pallet::prune_item_identities_names`].
#### dispatch_as - 3
<details><summary><code>dispatch_as(as_origin, call)</code></summary>
Taking 0.005 % of a block.
as_origin: Box<T::PalletsOrigin>
call: Box<<T as Config>::RuntimeCall>
See [`Pallet::dispatch_as`].
There are **4** disabled calls from **2** pallets.
### System - 0
#### remark - 0
Taking 0.0946 % of a block.
remark: Vec<u8>
See [`Pallet::remark`].
#### remark_with_event - 7
Taking 0.3505 % of a block.
remark: Vec<u8>
See [`Pallet::remark_with_event`].
### Session - 15
#### set_keys - 0
<details><summary><code>set_keys(keys, proof)</code></summary>
Taking 0.0406 % of a block.
keys: T::Keys
proof: Vec<u8>
See [`Pallet::set_keys`].
#### purge_keys - 1
Taking 0.0351 % of a block.
See [`Pallet::purge_keys`].