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Snippets Groups Projects 25.9 KiB
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<code>AlreadyMember</code> - 1</summary>
Already member, can not add membership.
<li>Certification - 43
<code>OriginMustHaveAnIdentity</code> - 0</summary>
Issuer of a certification must have an identity
<code>CannotCertifySelf</code> - 1</summary>
Identity cannot certify itself.
<code>IssuedTooManyCert</code> - 2</summary>
Identity has already issued the maximum number of certifications.
<code>NotEnoughCertReceived</code> - 3</summary>
Insufficient certifications received.
<code>NotRespectCertPeriod</code> - 4</summary>
Identity has issued a certification too recently.
<code>CertAlreadyExists</code> - 5</summary>
Can not add an already-existing cert
<code>CertDoesNotExist</code> - 6</summary>
Can not renew a non-existing cert
<code>AlreadyInEvaluation</code> - 0</summary>
<code>TooManyEvaluationsByAuthor</code> - 1</summary>
Too many evaluations requested by author.
<code>TooManyEvaluationsInBlock</code> - 2</summary>
Too many evaluations for this block.
<code>NoAuthor</code> - 3</summary>
No author for this block.
<code>CallerHasNoIdentity</code> - 4</summary>
<code>CallerIdentityNotFound</code> - 5</summary>
Caller identity not found.
<code>CallerNotMember</code> - 6</summary>
Caller not member.
<code>CallerStatusInvalid</code> - 7</summary>

<code>TargetIdentityNotFound</code> - 8</summary>
Target identity not found.
<code>QueueFull</code> - 9</summary>
<code>TooManyEvaluators</code> - 10</summary>
Too many evaluators in the current evaluation pool.
<code>WrongResultLength</code> - 11</summary>
<code>TargetMustBeUnvalidated</code> - 12</summary>
Targeted distance evaluation request is only possible for an unvalidated identity.
<code>AlreadyExist</code> - 0</summary>
Swap already exists.
<code>InvalidProof</code> - 1</summary>
Swap proof is invalid.
<code>ProofTooLarge</code> - 2</summary>
Proof is too large.
<code>SourceMismatch</code> - 3</summary>
Source does not match.
<code>AlreadyClaimed</code> - 4</summary>
Swap has already been claimed.
<code>NotExist</code> - 5</summary>
Swap does not exist.
<code>ClaimActionMismatch</code> - 6</summary>
Claim action mismatch.
<code>DurationNotPassed</code> - 7</summary>
Duration has not yet passed for the swap to be cancelled.
<code>MinimumThreshold</code> - 0</summary>
Threshold must be 2 or greater.
<code>AlreadyApproved</code> - 1</summary>
Call is already approved by this signatory.
<code>NoApprovalsNeeded</code> - 2</summary>
Call doesn't need any (more) approvals.
<code>TooFewSignatories</code> - 3</summary>
There are too few signatories in the list.
<code>TooManySignatories</code> - 4</summary>
There are too many signatories in the list.
<code>SignatoriesOutOfOrder</code> - 5</summary>
The signatories were provided out of order; they should be ordered.
<code>SenderInSignatories</code> - 6</summary>
The sender was contained in the other signatories; it shouldn't be.
<code>NotFound</code> - 7</summary>
Multisig operation not found when attempting to cancel.
<code>NotOwner</code> - 8</summary>
Only the account that originally created the multisig is able to cancel it.
<code>NoTimepoint</code> - 9</summary>
No timepoint was given, yet the multisig operation is already underway.
<code>WrongTimepoint</code> - 10</summary>
A different timepoint was given to the multisig operation that is underway.
<code>UnexpectedTimepoint</code> - 11</summary>
A timepoint was given, yet no multisig operation is underway.
<code>MaxWeightTooLow</code> - 12</summary>
The maximum weight information provided was too low.
<code>AlreadyStored</code> - 13</summary>
The data to be stored is already stored.
<li>ProvideRandomness - 52
<code>QueueFull</code> - 0</summary>
Request randomness queue is full.
<code>TooMany</code> - 0</summary>
There are too many proxies registered or too many announcements pending.
<code>NotFound</code> - 1</summary>
Proxy registration not found.
<code>NotProxy</code> - 2</summary>
Sender is not a proxy of the account to be proxied.
<code>Unproxyable</code> - 3</summary>
A call which is incompatible with the proxy type's filter was attempted.
<code>Duplicate</code> - 4</summary>
Account is already a proxy.
<code>NoPermission</code> - 5</summary>
Call may not be made by proxy because it may escalate its privileges.
<code>Unannounced</code> - 6</summary>
Announcement, if made at all, was made too recently.
<code>NoSelfProxy</code> - 7</summary>
Cannot add self as proxy.
<code>TooManyCalls</code> - 0</summary>
Too many calls batched.
<code>InvalidIndex</code> - 0</summary>
No proposal, bounty or spend at that index.
<code>TooManyApprovals</code> - 1</summary>
Too many approvals in the queue.
<code>InsufficientPermission</code> - 2</summary>
The spend origin is valid but the amount it is allowed to spend is lower than the
amount to be spent.
<code>ProposalNotApproved</code> - 3</summary>
Proposal has not been approved.
<code>FailedToConvertBalance</code> - 4</summary>
The balance of the asset kind is not convertible to the balance of the native asset.
<code>SpendExpired</code> - 5</summary>
The spend has expired and cannot be claimed.
<code>EarlyPayout</code> - 6</summary>
The spend is not yet eligible for payout.
<code>AlreadyAttempted</code> - 7</summary>
The payment has already been attempted.
<code>PayoutError</code> - 8</summary>
There was some issue with the mechanism of payment.
<code>NotAttempted</code> - 9</summary>
The payout was not yet attempted/claimed.
<code>Inconclusive</code> - 10</summary>
The payment has neither failed nor succeeded yet.