Pascal Engélibert authoredPascal Engélibert authored
mock.rs 9.08 KiB
// Copyright 2021 Axiom-Team
// This file is part of Substrate-Libre-Currency.
// Substrate-Libre-Currency is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
// Substrate-Libre-Currency is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with Substrate-Libre-Currency. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
use super::*;
use crate::{self as pallet_duniter_wot};
use frame_support::{parameter_types, traits::Everything};
use frame_system as system;
use sp_core::H256;
use sp_runtime::{
testing::{Header, TestSignature, UintAuthorityId},
traits::{BlakeTwo256, IdentityLookup},
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
type AccountId = u64;
type Block = frame_system::mocking::MockBlock<Test>;
type UncheckedExtrinsic = frame_system::mocking::MockUncheckedExtrinsic<Test>;
// Configure a mock runtime to test the pallet.
pub enum Test where
Block = Block,
NodeBlock = Block,
UncheckedExtrinsic = UncheckedExtrinsic,
System: frame_system::{Pallet, Call, Config, Storage, Event<T>},
DuniterWot: pallet_duniter_wot::<Instance1>::{Pallet},
Identity: pallet_identity::{Pallet, Call, Config<T>, Storage, Event<T>},
Membership: pallet_membership::<Instance1>::{Pallet, Call, Config<T>, Storage, Event<T>},
Cert: pallet_certification::<Instance1>::{Pallet, Call, Config<T>, Storage, Event<T>},
// System
parameter_types! {
pub const BlockHashCount: u64 = 250;
pub const SS58Prefix: u8 = 42;
impl system::Config for Test {
type BaseCallFilter = Everything;
type BlockWeights = ();
type BlockLength = ();
type DbWeight = ();
type Origin = Origin;
type Call = Call;
type Index = u64;
type BlockNumber = u64;
type Hash = H256;
type Hashing = BlakeTwo256;
type AccountId = AccountId;
type Lookup = IdentityLookup<Self::AccountId>;
type Header = Header;
type Event = Event;
type BlockHashCount = BlockHashCount;
type Version = ();
type PalletInfo = PalletInfo;
type AccountData = ();
type OnNewAccount = ();
type OnKilledAccount = ();
type SystemWeightInfo = ();
type SS58Prefix = SS58Prefix;
type OnSetCode = ();
type MaxConsumers = frame_support::traits::ConstU32<16>;
// DuniterWot
parameter_types! {
pub const MinCertForMembership: u32 = 2;
pub const MinCertForCreateIdtyRigh: u32 = 4;
pub const FirstIssuableOn: u64 = 2;
impl pallet_duniter_wot::Config<Instance1> for Test {
type IsSubWot = frame_support::traits::ConstBool<false>;
type MinCertForMembership = MinCertForMembership;
type MinCertForCreateIdtyRight = MinCertForCreateIdtyRigh;
type FirstIssuableOn = FirstIssuableOn;
// Identity
parameter_types! {
pub const ConfirmPeriod: u64 = 2;
pub const IdtyCreationPeriod: u64 = 3;
pub const MaxDisabledPeriod: u64 = 4;
pub const ValidationPeriod: u64 = 2;
pub struct IdtyNameValidatorTestImpl;
impl pallet_identity::traits::IdtyNameValidator for IdtyNameValidatorTestImpl {
fn validate(idty_name: &pallet_identity::IdtyName) -> bool {
idty_name.0.len() < 16
impl pallet_identity::Config for Test {
type ConfirmPeriod = ConfirmPeriod;
type Event = Event;
type EnsureIdtyCallAllowed = DuniterWot;
type IdtyCreationPeriod = IdtyCreationPeriod;
type IdtyNameValidator = IdtyNameValidatorTestImpl;
type IdtyIndex = IdtyIndex;
type IdtyValidationOrigin = system::EnsureRoot<AccountId>;
type IsMember = Membership;
type OnIdtyChange = DuniterWot;
type MaxDisabledPeriod = MaxDisabledPeriod;
type RemoveIdentityConsumers = ();
type RevocationSigner = UintAuthorityId;
type RevocationSignature = TestSignature;
// Membership
parameter_types! {
pub const MembershipPeriod: u64 = 5;
pub const PendingMembershipPeriod: u64 = 3;
pub const RenewablePeriod: u64 = 2;
pub const RevocationPeriod: u64 = 4;
impl pallet_membership::Config<Instance1> for Test {
type IsIdtyAllowedToRenewMembership = DuniterWot;
type IsIdtyAllowedToRequestMembership = DuniterWot;
type Event = Event;
type IdtyId = IdtyIndex;
type IdtyIdOf = Identity;
type MembershipPeriod = MembershipPeriod;
type MetaData = crate::MembershipMetaData<u64>;
type OnEvent = DuniterWot;
type PendingMembershipPeriod = PendingMembershipPeriod;
type RenewablePeriod = RenewablePeriod;
type RevocationPeriod = RevocationPeriod;
// Cert
parameter_types! {
pub const MaxByIssuer: u8 = 8;
pub const MinReceivedCertToBeAbleToIssueCert: u32 = 2;
pub const CertRenewablePeriod: u64 = 4;
pub const CertPeriod: u64 = 2;
pub const ValidityPeriod: u64 = 10;
impl pallet_certification::Config<Instance1> for Test {
type CertPeriod = CertPeriod;
type Event = Event;
type IdtyIndex = IdtyIndex;
type IdtyIndexOf = Identity;
type IsCertAllowed = DuniterWot;
type MaxByIssuer = MaxByIssuer;
type MinReceivedCertToBeAbleToIssueCert = MinReceivedCertToBeAbleToIssueCert;
type OnNewcert = DuniterWot;
type OnRemovedCert = DuniterWot;
type CertRenewablePeriod = CertRenewablePeriod;
type ValidityPeriod = ValidityPeriod;
pub const NAMES: [&str; 6] = ["Alice", "Bob", "Charlie", "Dave", "Eve", "Ferdie"];
// Build genesis storage according to the mock runtime.
pub fn new_test_ext(initial_identities_len: usize) -> sp_io::TestExternalities {
let mut t = frame_system::GenesisConfig::default()
pallet_identity::GenesisConfig::<Test> {
identities: (1..=initial_identities_len)
.map(|i| pallet_identity::GenesisIdty {
index: i as u32,
name: pallet_identity::IdtyName::from(NAMES[i - 1]),
value: pallet_identity::IdtyValue {
next_creatable_identity_on: 0,
owner_key: i as u64,
removable_on: 0,
status: pallet_identity::IdtyStatus::Validated,
.assimilate_storage(&mut t)
pallet_membership::GenesisConfig::<Test, Instance1> {
memberships: (1..=initial_identities_len)
.map(|i| {
i as u32,
sp_membership::MembershipData {
expire_on: MembershipPeriod::get(),
renewable_on: RenewablePeriod::get(),
.assimilate_storage(&mut t)
pallet_certification::GenesisConfig::<Test, Instance1> {
certs_by_issuer: clique_wot(initial_identities_len, ValidityPeriod::get()),
apply_cert_period_at_genesis: true,
.assimilate_storage(&mut t)
frame_support::BasicExternalities::execute_with_storage(&mut t, || {
// manually increment genesis identities sufficient counter
// In real world, this should be handle manually by genesis creator
for i in 1..=initial_identities_len {
frame_system::Pallet::<Test>::inc_sufficients(&(i as u64));
// Some dedicated test account
frame_system::Pallet::<Test>::inc_providers(&(initial_identities_len as u64));
frame_system::Pallet::<Test>::inc_providers(&(initial_identities_len as u64 + 1));
pub fn run_to_block(n: u64) {
while System::block_number() < n {
System::set_block_number(System::block_number() + 1);
fn clique_wot(
initial_identities_len: usize,
cert_validity_period: u64,
) -> BTreeMap<IdtyIndex, BTreeMap<IdtyIndex, u64>> {
let mut certs_by_issuer = BTreeMap::new();
for i in 1..=initial_identities_len {
i as IdtyIndex,
.filter_map(|j| {
if i != j {
Some((j as IdtyIndex, cert_validity_period))
} else {