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  • Benjamin Gallois's avatar
    Weight to fee conversion (!227) · ec57c932
    Benjamin Gallois authored and Hugo Trentesaux's avatar Hugo Trentesaux committed
    * fix chain spec
    * fix automatic weights documentation
    * fix weights include
    * regenerate weights
    * refactor cargo alias with constant-fees feature
    * add constant fee model for testing
    * regenerate weights
    * fix benchmark with non constant fees
    * fix weight to fee factor
    * prepare length to fee logic
    * prepare weight to fee logic
    Weight to fee conversion (!227)
    Benjamin Gallois authored and Hugo Trentesaux's avatar Hugo Trentesaux committed
    * fix chain spec
    * fix automatic weights documentation
    * fix weights include
    * regenerate weights
    * refactor cargo alias with constant-fees feature
    * add constant fee model for testing
    * regenerate weights
    * fix benchmark with non constant fees
    * fix weight to fee factor
    * prepare length to fee logic
    * prepare weight to fee logic 48.97 KiB

Runtime calls

Calls are categorized according to the dispatch origin they require:

  1. User calls: the dispatch origin for this kind of call must be signed by the transactor. This is the only call category that can be submitted with an extrinsic.
  2. Root calls: This kind of call requires a special origin that can only be invoked through on-chain governance mechanisms.
  3. Inherent calls: This kind of call is invoked by the author of the block itself (usually automatically by the node).
  4. Disabled calls: These calls can not be called directly, they are reserved for internal use by other runtime calls.

User calls

There are 79 user calls from 22 pallets.

Account - 1

unlink_identity - 0


Taking 0.0076 % of a block.

unlink the identity associated with the account

Scheduler - 2

schedule - 0

schedule(when, maybe_periodic, priority, call)

Taking 0.0088 % of a block.

when: T::BlockNumber
maybe_periodic: Option<schedule::Period<T::BlockNumber>>
priority: schedule::Priority
call: Box<<T as Config>::RuntimeCall>

Anonymously schedule a task.

cancel - 1

cancel(when, index)

Taking 0.0118 % of a block.

when: T::BlockNumber
index: u32

Cancel an anonymously scheduled task.

schedule_named - 2

schedule_named(id, when, maybe_periodic, priority, call)

Taking 0.012 % of a block.

id: TaskName
when: T::BlockNumber
maybe_periodic: Option<schedule::Period<T::BlockNumber>>
priority: schedule::Priority
call: Box<<T as Config>::RuntimeCall>

Schedule a named task.

cancel_named - 3