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  • Benjamin Gallois's avatar
    Weight to fee conversion (!227) · ec57c932
    Benjamin Gallois authored and Hugo Trentesaux's avatar Hugo Trentesaux committed
    * fix chain spec
    * fix automatic weights documentation
    * fix weights include
    * regenerate weights
    * refactor cargo alias with constant-fees feature
    * add constant fee model for testing
    * regenerate weights
    * fix benchmark with non constant fees
    * fix weight to fee factor
    * prepare length to fee logic
    * prepare weight to fee logic
    Weight to fee conversion (!227)
    Benjamin Gallois authored and Hugo Trentesaux's avatar Hugo Trentesaux committed
    * fix chain spec
    * fix automatic weights documentation
    * fix weights include
    * regenerate weights
    * refactor cargo alias with constant-fees feature
    * add constant fee model for testing
    * regenerate weights
    * fix benchmark with non constant fees
    * fix weight to fee factor
    * prepare length to fee logic
    * prepare weight to fee logic 26.91 KiB

Runtime events

There are 127 events from 35 pallets.

  • System - 0
    • ExtrinsicSuccess(dispatch_info) - 0 An extrinsic completed successfully.
      dispatch_info: DispatchInfo
    • ExtrinsicFailed(dispatch_error, dispatch_info) - 1 An extrinsic failed.
      dispatch_error: DispatchError
      dispatch_info: DispatchInfo
    • CodeUpdated() - 2 `:code` was updated.
      no args
    • NewAccount(account) - 3 A new account was created.
      account: T::AccountId
    • KilledAccount(account) - 4 An account was reaped.
      account: T::AccountId
    • Remarked(sender, hash) - 5 On on-chain remark happened.
      sender: T::AccountId
      hash: T::Hash
  • Account - 1
    • ForceDestroy(who, balance) - 0 Forced destruction of an account due to insufficient free balance to cover the account creation price.
      who: T::AccountId
      balance: T::Balance
    • RandomIdAssigned(who, random_id) - 1 A random ID has been assigned to the account.
      who: T::AccountId
      random_id: H256
    • AccountLinked(who, identity) - 2 account linked to identity
      who: T::AccountId
      identity: IdtyIdOf<T>
    • AccountUnlinked() - 3 The account was unlinked from its identity.
      : T::AccountId
  • Scheduler - 2
    • Scheduled(when, index) - 0 Scheduled some task.
      when: T::BlockNumber
      index: u32
    • Canceled(when, index) - 1 Canceled some task.
      when: T::BlockNumber
      index: u32
    • Dispatched(task, id, result) - 2 Dispatched some task.
      task: TaskAddress<T::BlockNumber>
      id: Option<TaskName>
      result: DispatchResult
    • CallUnavailable(task, id) - 3 The call for the provided hash was not found so the task has been aborted.
      task: TaskAddress<T::BlockNumber>
      id: Option<TaskName>
    • PeriodicFailed(task, id) - 4 The given task was unable to be renewed since the agenda is full at that block.
      task: TaskAddress<T::BlockNumber>
      id: Option<TaskName>
    • PermanentlyOverweight(task, id) - 5 The given task can never be executed since it is overweight.
      task: TaskAddress<T::BlockNumber>
      id: Option<TaskName>
  • Babe - 3
  • Timestamp - 4
  • Parameters - 5
  • Balances - 6
    • Endowed(account, free_balance) - 0 An account was created with some free balance.
      account: T::AccountId
      free_balance: T::Balance
    • DustLost(account, amount) - 1 An account was removed whose balance was non-zero but below ExistentialDeposit, resulting in an outright loss.
      account: T::AccountId
      amount: T::Balance
    • Transfer(from, to, amount) - 2 Transfer succeeded.
      from: T::AccountId
      to: T::AccountId
      amount: T::Balance
    • BalanceSet(who, free) - 3 A balance was set by root.
      who: T::AccountId
      free: T::Balance
    • Reserved(who, amount) - 4 Some balance was reserved (moved from free to reserved).
      who: T::AccountId
      amount: T::Balance
    • Unreserved(who, amount) - 5 Some balance was unreserved (moved from reserved to free).
      who: T::AccountId
      amount: T::Balance
    • ReserveRepatriated(from, to, amount, destination_status) - 6 Some balance was moved from the reserve of the first account to the second account. Final argument indicates the destination balance type.
      from: T::AccountId
      to: T::AccountId
      amount: T::Balance
      destination_status: Status
    • Deposit(who, amount) - 7 Some amount was deposited (e.g. for transaction fees).
      who: T::AccountId
      amount: T::Balance
    • Withdraw(who, amount) - 8 Some amount was withdrawn from the account (e.g. for transaction fees).
      who: T::AccountId
      amount: T::Balance
    • Slashed(who, amount) - 9 Some amount was removed from the account (e.g. for misbehavior).
      who: T::AccountId
      amount: T::Balance
    • Minted(who, amount) - 10 Some amount was minted into an account.
      who: T::AccountId
      amount: T::Balance
    • Burned(who, amount) - 11 Some amount was burned from an account.
      who: T::AccountId
      amount: T::Balance
    • Suspended(who, amount) - 12 Some amount was suspended from an account (it can be restored later).
      who: T::AccountId
      amount: T::Balance
    • Restored(who, amount) - 13 Some amount was restored into an account.
      who: T::AccountId
      amount: T::Balance
    • Upgraded(who) - 14 An account was upgraded.
      who: T::AccountId
    • Issued(amount) - 15 Total issuance was increased by `amount`, creating a credit to be balanced.
      amount: T::Balance
    • Rescinded(amount) - 16 Total issuance was decreased by `amount`, creating a debt to be balanced.
      amount: T::Balance
    • Locked(who, amount) - 17 Some balance was locked.
      who: T::AccountId
      amount: T::Balance
    • Unlocked(who, amount) - 18 Some balance was unlocked.
      who: T::AccountId
      amount: T::Balance
    • Frozen(who, amount) - 19 Some balance was frozen.
      who: T::AccountId
      amount: T::Balance
    • Thawed(who, amount) - 20 Some balance was thawed.
      who: T::AccountId
      amount: T::Balance
  • TransactionPayment - 32
    • TransactionFeePaid(who, actual_fee, tip) - 0 A transaction fee `actual_fee`, of which `tip` was added to the minimum inclusion fee, has been paid by `who`.
      who: T::AccountId
      actual_fee: BalanceOf<T>
      tip: BalanceOf<T>
  • OneshotAccount - 7
    • OneshotAccountCreated(account, balance, creator) - 0 A oneshot account was created.
      account: T::AccountId
      balance: <T::Currency as Currency<T::AccountId>>::Balance
      creator: T::AccountId
    • OneshotAccountConsumed(account, dest1, dest2) - 1 A oneshot account was consumed.
      account: T::AccountId
      dest1: (T::AccountId,<T::Currency as Currency<T::AccountId>>::Balance,)
      dest2: Option<
      (T::AccountId,<T::Currency as Currency<T::AccountId>>::Balance,)
    • Withdraw(account, balance) - 2 A withdrawal was executed on a oneshot account.
      account: T::AccountId
      balance: <T::Currency as Currency<T::AccountId>>::Balance
  • Quota - 66
    • Refunded(who, identity, amount) - 0 Transaction fees were refunded.
      who: T::AccountId
      identity: IdtyId<T>
      amount: BalanceOf<T>
    • NoQuotaForIdty() - 1 No more quota available for refund.
      : IdtyId<T>
    • NoMoreCurrencyForRefund() - 2 No more currency available for refund. This scenario should never occur if the fees are intended for the refund account.
      no args
    • RefundFailed() - 3 The refund has failed. This scenario should rarely occur, except when the account was destroyed in the interim between the request and the refund.
      : T::AccountId
    • RefundQueueFull() - 4 Refund queue was full.
      no args
  • SmithMembers - 10
    • InvitationSent(idty_index, invited_by) - 0 An identity is being inivited to become a smith
      idty_index: T::IdtyIndex
      invited_by: T::IdtyIndex
    • InvitationAccepted(idty_index) - 1 The invitation has been accepted
      idty_index: T::IdtyIndex
    • CertificationReceived(idty_index, issued_by) - 2 Certification received
      idty_index: T::IdtyIndex
      issued_by: T::IdtyIndex
    • PromotedToSmith(idty_index) - 3 A smith gathered enough certifications to become an authority (can call `go_online()`).
      idty_index: T::IdtyIndex
    • SmithExcluded(idty_index) - 4 A smith has been removed from the smiths set
      idty_index: T::IdtyIndex
  • AuthorityMembers - 11
    • IncomingAuthorities(members) - 0 List of members scheduled to join the set of authorities in the next session.
      members: Vec<T::MemberId>
    • OutgoingAuthorities(members) - 1 List of members leaving the set of authorities in the next session.
      members: Vec<T::MemberId>
    • MemberGoOffline(member) - 2 A member will leave the set of authorities in 2 sessions.
      member: T::MemberId
    • MemberGoOnline(member) - 3 A member will join the set of authorities in 2 sessions.
      member: T::MemberId
    • MemberRemoved(member) - 4 A member, who no longer has authority rights, will be removed from the authority set in 2 sessions.
      member: T::MemberId
    • MemberRemovedFromBlacklist(member) - 5 A member has been removed from the blacklist.
      member: T::MemberId
    • MemberAddedToBlacklist(member) - 6 A member has been blacklisted.
      member: T::MemberId
  • Authorship - 12
  • Offences - 13
    • Offence(kind, timeslot) - 0 An offense was reported during the specified time slot. This event is not deposited for duplicate slashes.
      kind: Kind
      timeslot: OpaqueTimeSlot
  • Historical - 14
  • Session - 15
    • NewSession(session_index) - 0 New session has happened. Note that the argument is the session index, not the block number as the type might suggest.
      session_index: SessionIndex
  • Grandpa - 16
    • NewAuthorities(authority_set) - 0 New authority set has been applied.
      authority_set: AuthorityList
    • Paused() - 1 Current authority set has been paused.
      no args
    • Resumed() - 2 Current authority set has been resumed.
      no args
  • ImOnline - 17
    • HeartbeatReceived(authority_id) - 0 A new heartbeat was received from `AuthorityId`.
      authority_id: T::AuthorityId
    • AllGood() - 1 At the end of the session, no offence was committed.
      no args
    • SomeOffline(offline) - 2 At the end of the session, at least one validator was found to be offline.
      offline: Vec<IdentificationTuple<T>>
  • AuthorityDiscovery - 18
  • Sudo - 20
    • Sudid(sudo_result) - 0 A sudo just took place. \[result\]
      sudo_result: DispatchResult
    • KeyChanged(old_sudoer) - 1 The \[sudoer\] just switched identity; the old key is supplied if one existed.
      old_sudoer: Option<T::AccountId>
    • SudoAsDone(sudo_result) - 2 A sudo just took place. \[result\]
      sudo_result: DispatchResult
  • UpgradeOrigin - 21
    • DispatchedAsRoot(result) - 0 A call was dispatched as root from an upgradable origin
      result: DispatchResult
  • Preimage - 22
    • Noted(hash) - 0 A preimage has been noted.
      hash: T::Hash
    • Requested(hash) - 1 A preimage has been requested.
      hash: T::Hash
    • Cleared(hash) - 2 A preimage has ben cleared.
      hash: T::Hash
  • TechnicalCommittee - 23
    • Proposed(account, proposal_index, proposal_hash, threshold) - 0 A motion (given hash) has been proposed (by given account) with a threshold (given `MemberCount`).
      account: T::AccountId
      proposal_index: ProposalIndex
      proposal_hash: T::Hash
      threshold: MemberCount
    • Voted(account, proposal_hash, voted, yes, no) - 1 A motion (given hash) has been voted on by given account, leaving a tally (yes votes and no votes given respectively as `MemberCount`).
      account: T::AccountId
      proposal_hash: T::Hash
      voted: bool
      yes: MemberCount
      no: MemberCount
    • Approved(proposal_hash) - 2 A motion was approved by the required threshold.
      proposal_hash: T::Hash
    • Disapproved(proposal_hash) - 3 A motion was not approved by the required threshold.
      proposal_hash: T::Hash
    • Executed(proposal_hash, result) - 4 A motion was executed; result will be `Ok` if it returned without error.
      proposal_hash: T::Hash
      result: DispatchResult
    • MemberExecuted(proposal_hash, result) - 5 A single member did some action; result will be `Ok` if it returned without error.
      proposal_hash: T::Hash
      result: DispatchResult
    • Closed(proposal_hash, yes, no) - 6 A proposal was closed because its threshold was reached or after its duration was up.
      proposal_hash: T::Hash
      yes: MemberCount
      no: MemberCount
  • UniversalDividend - 30
    • NewUdCreated(amount, index, monetary_mass, members_count) - 0 A new universal dividend is created.
      amount: BalanceOf<T>
      index: UdIndex
      monetary_mass: BalanceOf<T>
      members_count: BalanceOf<T>
    • UdReevalued(new_ud_amount, monetary_mass, members_count) - 1 The universal dividend has been re-evaluated.
      new_ud_amount: BalanceOf<T>
      monetary_mass: BalanceOf<T>
      members_count: BalanceOf<T>
    • UdsAutoPaid(count, total, who) - 2 DUs were automatically transferred as part of a member removal.
      count: UdIndex
      total: BalanceOf<T>
      who: T::AccountId
    • UdsClaimed(count, total, who) - 3 A member claimed his UDs.
      count: UdIndex
      total: BalanceOf<T>
      who: T::AccountId
  • Wot - 40
  • Identity - 41
    • IdtyCreated(idty_index, owner_key) - 0 A new identity has been created.
      idty_index: T::IdtyIndex
      owner_key: T::AccountId
    • IdtyConfirmed(idty_index, owner_key, name) - 1 An identity has been confirmed by its owner.
      idty_index: T::IdtyIndex
      owner_key: T::AccountId
      name: IdtyName
    • IdtyValidated(idty_index) - 2 An identity has been validated.
      idty_index: T::IdtyIndex
    • IdtyChangedOwnerKey(idty_index, new_owner_key) - 3
      idty_index: T::IdtyIndex
      new_owner_key: T::AccountId
    • IdtyRevoked(idty_index, reason) - 4 An identity has been revoked.
      idty_index: T::IdtyIndex
      reason: RevocationReason
    • IdtyRemoved(idty_index, reason) - 5 An identity has been removed.
      idty_index: T::IdtyIndex
      reason: RemovalReason
  • Membership - 42
    • MembershipAdded(member, expire_on) - 0 A membership was added.
      member: T::IdtyId
      expire_on: BlockNumberFor<T>
    • MembershipRemoved(member, reason) - 1 A membership was removed.
      member: T::IdtyId
      reason: MembershipRemovalReason
  • Certification - 43
    • CertAdded(issuer, receiver) - 0 A new certification was added.
      issuer: T::IdtyIndex
      receiver: T::IdtyIndex
    • CertRemoved(issuer, receiver, expiration) - 1 A certification was removed.
      issuer: T::IdtyIndex
      receiver: T::IdtyIndex
      expiration: bool
    • CertRenewed(issuer, receiver) - 2 A certification was renewed.
      issuer: T::IdtyIndex
      receiver: T::IdtyIndex
  • Distance - 44
    • EvaluationRequested(idty_index, who) - 0 A distance evaluation was requested.
      idty_index: T::IdtyIndex
      who: T::AccountId
    • EvaluationUpdated(evaluator) - 1 A distance evaluation was updated.
      evaluator: T::AccountId
    • EvaluationStatusForced(idty_index, status) - 2 A distance status was forced.
      idty_index: T::IdtyIndex
      status: Option<(<T as frame_system::Config>::AccountId, DistanceStatus)>
  • AtomicSwap - 50
    • NewSwap(account, proof, swap) - 0 Swap created.
      account: T::AccountId
      proof: HashedProof
      swap: PendingSwap<T>
    • SwapClaimed(account, proof, success) - 1 Swap claimed. The last parameter indicates whether the execution succeeds.
      account: T::AccountId
      proof: HashedProof
      success: bool
    • SwapCancelled(account, proof) - 2 Swap cancelled.
      account: T::AccountId
      proof: HashedProof
  • Multisig - 51
    • NewMultisig(approving, multisig, call_hash) - 0 A new multisig operation has begun.
      approving: T::AccountId
      multisig: T::AccountId
      call_hash: CallHash
    • MultisigApproval(approving, timepoint, multisig, call_hash) - 1 A multisig operation has been approved by someone.
      approving: T::AccountId
      timepoint: Timepoint<T::BlockNumber>
      multisig: T::AccountId
      call_hash: CallHash
    • MultisigExecuted(approving, timepoint, multisig, call_hash, result) - 2 A multisig operation has been executed.
      approving: T::AccountId
      timepoint: Timepoint<T::BlockNumber>
      multisig: T::AccountId
      call_hash: CallHash
      result: DispatchResult
    • MultisigCancelled(cancelling, timepoint, multisig, call_hash) - 3 A multisig operation has been cancelled.
      cancelling: T::AccountId
      timepoint: Timepoint<T::BlockNumber>
      multisig: T::AccountId
      call_hash: CallHash
  • ProvideRandomness - 52
    • FilledRandomness(request_id, randomness) - 0 A request for randomness was fulfilled.
      request_id: RequestId
      randomness: H256
    • RequestedRandomness(request_id, salt, r#type) - 1 A request for randomness was made.
      request_id: RequestId
      salt: H256
      r#type: RandomnessType
  • Proxy - 53
    • ProxyExecuted(result) - 0 A proxy was executed correctly, with the given.
      result: DispatchResult
    • PureCreated(pure, who, proxy_type, disambiguation_index) - 1 A pure account has been created by new proxy with given disambiguation index and proxy type.
      pure: T::AccountId
      who: T::AccountId
      proxy_type: T::ProxyType
      disambiguation_index: u16
    • Announced(real, proxy, call_hash) - 2 An announcement was placed to make a call in the future.
      real: T::AccountId
      proxy: T::AccountId
      call_hash: CallHashOf<T>
    • ProxyAdded(delegator, delegatee, proxy_type, delay) - 3 A proxy was added.
      delegator: T::AccountId
      delegatee: T::AccountId
      proxy_type: T::ProxyType
      delay: T::BlockNumber
    • ProxyRemoved(delegator, delegatee, proxy_type, delay) - 4 A proxy was removed.
      delegator: T::AccountId
      delegatee: T::AccountId
      proxy_type: T::ProxyType
      delay: T::BlockNumber
  • Utility - 54
    • BatchInterrupted(index, error) - 0 Batch of dispatches did not complete fully. Index of first failing dispatch given, as well as the error.
      index: u32
      error: DispatchError
    • BatchCompleted() - 1 Batch of dispatches completed fully with no error.
      no args
    • BatchCompletedWithErrors() - 2 Batch of dispatches completed but has errors.
      no args
    • ItemCompleted() - 3 A single item within a Batch of dispatches has completed with no error.
      no args
    • ItemFailed(error) - 4 A single item within a Batch of dispatches has completed with error.
      error: DispatchError
    • DispatchedAs(result) - 5 A call was dispatched.
      result: DispatchResult
  • Treasury - 55
    • Proposed(proposal_index) - 0 New proposal.
      proposal_index: ProposalIndex
    • Spending(budget_remaining) - 1 We have ended a spend period and will now allocate funds.
      budget_remaining: BalanceOf<T, I>
    • Awarded(proposal_index, award, account) - 2 Some funds have been allocated.
      proposal_index: ProposalIndex
      award: BalanceOf<T, I>
      account: T::AccountId
    • Rejected(proposal_index, slashed) - 3 A proposal was rejected; funds were slashed.
      proposal_index: ProposalIndex
      slashed: BalanceOf<T, I>
    • Burnt(burnt_funds) - 4 Some of our funds have been burnt.
      burnt_funds: BalanceOf<T, I>
    • Rollover(rollover_balance) - 5 Spending has finished; this is the amount that rolls over until next spend.
      rollover_balance: BalanceOf<T, I>
    • Deposit(value) - 6 Some funds have been deposited.
      value: BalanceOf<T, I>
    • SpendApproved(proposal_index, amount, beneficiary) - 7 A new spend proposal has been approved.
      proposal_index: ProposalIndex
      amount: BalanceOf<T, I>
      beneficiary: T::AccountId
    • UpdatedInactive(reactivated, deactivated) - 8 The inactive funds of the pallet have been updated.
      reactivated: BalanceOf<T, I>
      deactivated: BalanceOf<T, I>