Launching a new live network is more difficult than spawning a local blockchain. Follow this process if you know what you are doing and you already experimented a bit with local blockchains. Part of this process is automated with Rust scripts, including interaction with GitLab's GraphQL API. Do not hesitate to improve and complete it (see TODOs inside `xtask/**/*.rs` files).
## Requirements
In order to build in a standardized environment, you need Docker.
- see docker docs to [install docker](
- make sure you can run docker as non-root user with `docker info`
## Preparation
### Runtime tag
When launching a new network, you're likely to use a new runtime for the genesis. Our runtime tags use `xxyy` version numbers where `x` corresponds to major change and `y` hotfix or minor change.
1. Make sure to move any issue or merge request assigned to the choosen milestone `runtime-xxyy` to the next one. This prevents from forgetting unfinished work.
1. Check that the [CI on master]( is passing. This is necessary to build the docker images.
1. Increment the `spec_version` in the code. Example `spec_version: 300` -> `spec_version: 400`.
At this point, you might want to merge this commit in master and publish the branch (TODO automate).
### Release tasks
We choose [`xtask`]( to run Rust scripts using `cargo`. To build these scripts, just run:
cargo xtask # this will build the scripts and show the available commands
To interact with GitLab, the `release_runtime` script uses the environment variable `GITLAB_TOKEN` which must contain a token with write permission on the repository. Go to your [personal access token preferences]( to generate one and `export` it (you might want to add it to your `.bashrc`). You can then run this command:
cargo xtask release-runtime 400 # requires to run docker as non-root user
This command does the following things (use your system monitor to track de progress as it produces not log):
1. download the [`paritytech/srtool`]( Runtime TOOLbox) docker image (about 2 minutes with a good connection). It is a docker container enabling to build the Substrate WebAssembly runtime in a deterministic way (machine-independant).
1. build gdev runtime in release mode using `srtool` (about 5 minutes depending on your computing power). The target is put in the `runtime/gdev/target` folder (about 2GB).
1. generate release notes using the template in `xtask/res`
1. publish the relase with the notes on GitLab using your `GITLAB_TOKEN`
### Substrate client docker image
Go to the pipeline and run the manual tasks as shown on the below screenshot.
The following steps should be completed when you are satisfied with the network.
### Rotate session keys
You should rotate session keys for more secured keys (the one you used before are still in your bash history and your clipboard and could have been intercepted by an attacker). Update the raw chainspec json file with your new session keys.
TODO explain how with polkadotjs + vpn
### Inject chainspec
Once you updated your session keys, inject the runtime code inside the raw chainspec.
Once you completed all these steps, the other smith can pull the docker image with a genesis containing your bootnode with the correct session keys. They can base their `docker-compose.yml` on the `duniter-validator` template.