docker-compose don't use the declared volume "data"
The docker image don't use the binded data volume. This one stay empty, and a random name folder is created to bind the real data.
$ tail -n2 docker-compose.yml
- ./data:/var/lib/lc-core
$ ls -l data/
total 0
$ sudo ls /var/lib/docker/volumes/085b8c2fc778e768b9df17c469a2fabf38b030546e3a8180c46d94da820e1ec6/_data/chains/gdev/paritydb/full
index_00_16 metadata table_01_1d table_01_28 table_01_32 table_01_3f table_01_4b table_01_56 table_01_64 table_01_73 table_01_7f table_01_89 table_01_92 table_04_33 table_08_45 table_08_75
index_01_16 stats.txt table_01_1f table_01_29 table_01_33 table_01_40 table_01_4c table_01_58 table_01_66 table_01_75 table_01_81 table_01_8a table_01_93 table_04_54 table_08_4a table_08_79
index_02_16 table_00_00 table_01_20 table_01_2a table_01_34 table_01_41 table_01_4d table_01_5a table_01_68 table_01_76 table_01_82 table_01_8b table_01_94 table_04_5c table_08_53 table_08_7c
index_03_16 table_00_17 table_01_21 table_01_2b table_01_35 table_01_42 table_01_4e table_01_5b table_01_6a table_01_78 table_01_83 table_01_8c table_01_95 table_04_5d table_08_57 table_08_7e
index_04_16 table_00_18 table_01_22 table_01_2c table_01_36 table_01_44 table_01_50 table_01_5c table_01_6b table_01_79 table_01_84 table_01_8d table_01_96 table_05_00 table_08_5a table_08_7f
index_05_16 table_00_1a table_01_23 table_01_2d table_01_39 table_01_46 table_01_51 table_01_5d table_01_6c table_01_7b table_01_85 table_01_8e table_01_97 table_05_08 table_08_61 table_08_80
index_08_16 table_00_1b table_01_25 table_01_2e table_01_3b table_01_47 table_01_52 table_01_5e table_01_6e table_01_7c table_01_86 table_01_8f table_01_ff table_05_40 table_08_6a table_09_00
index_09_16 table_01_1b table_01_26 table_01_30 table_01_3d table_01_48 table_01_54 table_01_60 table_01_70 table_01_7d table_01_87 table_01_90 table_02_03 table_08_00 table_08_6f table_09_04
lock table_01_1c table_01_27 table_01_31 table_01_3e table_01_49 table_01_55 table_01_61 table_01_72 table_01_7e table_01_88 table_01_91 table_03_1a table_08_22 table_08_73 table_09_18
(I specify that even if I use a real volume in the docker-compose instead of the local folder, the same problem occurs)