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gtest genesis new format

Hugo Trentesaux requested to merge hugo-gtest into master

Prepare a gtest runtime with a genesis format allowing to migrate Ğ1 without ignoring expiring memberships or certifications.

build with

cargo build --features gtest --no-default-features

run with

RUST_LOG=info DUNITER_GTEST_GENESIS=resources/gtest.json ./target/debug/duniter --tmp --alice --chain=gtest_dev  

should log something like:

2023-05-20 14:00:03 inserted genesis with:
        - 23 accounts (16 identities, 7 simple wallets)
        - 16 total identities (10 active, 6 inactive)
        - 8 smiths
        - 1 initial online authorities
        - 86 certifications
        - 42 smith certifications
        - 4 members in technical committee    

Merge request reports