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Upgrade to polkadot-v1.9.0

Benjamin Gallois requested to merge upgrade-polkadot-v1.9.0 into master

Upgrade Note:

  • Added four new types in the frame_system module:
    type MultiBlockMigrator = ();
    type PreInherents = ();
    type PostInherents = ();
    type PostTransactions = ();
  • GenesisDefault values are now checked during testing, ensuring and requiring successful GenesisBuild with these default values.


  • Upgrade to polkadot-v1.9.0
  • Fix #225
  • Upgrade GitHub full polkadot-sdk to light-polkadot-sdk, close #211
  • Upgrade subxt with the light-polkadot-sdk
  • Remove all dependencies from paritytech.
  • Rewrite upgrade documentation
  • Use unstable -Zgit=shallow-deps to solve #211
  • Doc upgrade will be done in !254 857a7b82

Using a light-polkadot-sdk as mentioned in #211 is, in fact, not possible, as the substrate folder is now highly interconnected with the outer folder hierarchy. The dependencies to the paritytech polkadot-sdk mentioned in #211 actually originate from bandersnatch_vrfs, which depends on arkworks that, in turn, depends on the polkadot-sdk from paritytech. I created and to resolve the dependency on our polkadot-sdk. As a result, the downloaded size is reduced by half, and the shallow copy also reduces the downloaded size by half.

Edited by Benjamin Gallois

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