Add support for Python v3.12
Expected to be release the 2nd October 2023.
- Introduce Python 3.12 image generation (docker/python3/poetry#8 - closed)
- Add support for Python v3.12 (duniterpy#196 - closed)
Set up v3.12 test job
allow_failure: true
, now on the tests should pass
- Move coverage to v3.12 job
- Switch Silkaj container to v3.12
- Set default container to v3.12
Handle deprecation warning and breaking features
No wheel provided for
v2.1.2 for Py3.12. Setting3.0.0a1
solves the issue, because there is wheels (built C code) provided till Py3.11 (it’s most likely taking previous Python version, until Python 3.12 is released as stable) -
to a stable version once there is a wheel provided for Py3.12
No wheel provided for
- Switch image to v3.12
- Open follow-up v3.13 tickets: Add support for Python v3.13 (#482 - closed)