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  • cordeliaze/cesium
  • pfouque06/cesium
  • wellno1/cesium
  • 1000i100/cesium
  • vincentux/cesium
  • calbasi/cesium
  • thomasbromehead/cesium
  • matograine/cesium
  • clients/cesium-grp/cesium
  • cedricmenec/cesium
  • Pamplemousse/cesium
  • etienneleba/cesium
  • tnntwister/cesium
  • scanlegentil/cesium
  • morvanc/cesium
  • yyy/cesium
  • Axce/cesium
  • Bertrandbenj/cesium
  • Lupus/cesium
  • elmau/cesium
  • MartinDelille/cesium
  • tykayn/cesium
  • numeropi/cesium
  • Vivakvo/cesium
  • pokapow/cesium
  • pini-gh/cesium
  • anam/cesium
  • RavanH/cesium
  • bpresles/cesium
  • am97/cesium
  • tuxmain/cesium
  • jytou/cesium
  • oliviermaurice/cesium
  • 666titi999/cesium
  • Yvv/cesium
35 results
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Commits on Source (573)
"directory": "www/lib"
...@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ ...@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
# #
/node_modules/ /node_modules/
/platforms/* /platforms/ios
#!/platforms/android /platforms/android
/resources/android/build/ /resources/android/build/
/resources/android/build/*.keystore /resources/android/build/*.keystore
/resources/android/build/ /resources/android/build/
...@@ -24,6 +24,8 @@ ...@@ -24,6 +24,8 @@
/hooks/uglify-config.json /hooks/uglify-config.json
/hooks/after_prepare/uglify.js /hooks/after_prepare/uglify.js
/www/js/config.js /www/js/config.js
/www/dist /www/dist
/www/lib /www/lib
...@@ -44,3 +46,5 @@ ...@@ -44,3 +46,5 @@
/www/img/loader.gif /www/img/loader.gif
/www/img/search-icon.png /www/img/search-icon.png
/www/img/search-icon-mobile.png /www/img/search-icon-mobile.png
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Global
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# default image
image: node:12
# stages (main steps of pipeline)
stages: stages:
- build - build
- alt_build - alt_build
- publish - deploy
fast-build: # ---------------------------------------------------------------
stage: build # Global variables
image: $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE # ---------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Jobs templates
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
image: docker:latest
tags: [redshift]
- docker:dind
before_script: before_script:
- mv /customCache/node_modules ./ - docker login -u ${CI_REGISTRY_USER} -p ${CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD} ${CI_REGISTRY}
- cp -rf /customCache/www ./ #- docker login -u "duniterteam" -p "$DUNITERTEAM_PASSWD"
- cp -rf /customCache/hooks ./ after_script:
- docker logout ${CI_REGISTRY}
#- docker logout
allow_failure: false
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Build jobs
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
stage: build
tags: [redshift]
script: script:
- node ./node_modules/gulp/bin/gulp webBuild - yarn install
- yarn run build:web
after_script: after_script:
- ls -la dist/web/ - ls -la dist/web/
- du -csh dist/web/ - du -csh dist/web/
...@@ -20,51 +53,63 @@ fast-build: ...@@ -20,51 +53,63 @@ fast-build:
paths: paths:
- dist/web - dist/web
expire_in: 60 minutes expire_in: 60 minutes
extends: .build
image: ${CI_BUILD_IMAGE}
- mv /tmp/.build-cache/node_modules ./
only: only:
- master - develop
- tags
failsafe-build: failsafe-build:
extends: .build
stage: alt_build stage: alt_build
when: on_failure when: on_failure
image: node:10 before_script:
script: - yarn global add gulp
- yarn
- node ./node_modules/gulp/bin/gulp config --env default
- node ./node_modules/gulp/bin/gulp webBuild
untracked: true
- dist/web
expire_in: 60 minutes
only: only:
- master - develop
- tags
docker-for-fast-build: docker:ci:
extends: .docker
stage: alt_build stage: alt_build
when: on_failure when: on_failure
allow_failure: true allow_failure: true
- doppler-docker
image: docker:latest
- docker:dind
script: script:
- echo 'FROM node:10' > Dockerfile # Create the target directory
- echo 'WORKDIR /customCache' >> Dockerfile - mkdir -p dist/ci
- cd dist/ci
# Create the Dockerfile
- echo 'FROM node:12' > Dockerfile
- echo 'WORKDIR /tmp/.build-cache' >> Dockerfile
- echo 'COPY ./ ./' >> Dockerfile - echo 'COPY ./ ./' >> Dockerfile
- echo 'RUN du -s `find . -maxdepth 1 | egrep -v "^\.$"`>/before.txt' >> Dockerfile # Store disk usage (before install)
- echo 'RUN yarn' >> Dockerfile - echo 'RUN du -s `find . -maxdepth 1 | egrep -v "^\.$"` > /tmp/before.txt' >> Dockerfile
- echo 'RUN du -s `find . -maxdepth 1 | egrep -v "^\.$"`>/after.txt' >> Dockerfile - echo 'RUN du -s `find /tmp/.cache/yarn -maxdepth 1 | egrep -v "^\.$"` >> /tmp/before.txt' >> Dockerfile
# Install dependencies
- echo 'RUN yarn global add gulp web-ext @ionic/cli' >> Dockerfile
- echo 'RUN yarn install' >> Dockerfile
# Store disk usage (after install)
- echo 'RUN du -s `find . -maxdepth 1 | egrep -v "^\.$"` > /tmp/after.txt' >> Dockerfile
- echo 'RUN du -s `find /tmp/.cache/yarn -maxdepth 1 | egrep -v "^\.$"` >> /tmp/after.txt' >> Dockerfile
# Force docker to detect any changes
- echo "RUN diff /tmp/before.txt /tmp/after.txt || true" >> Dockerfile
- echo 'WORKDIR /build' >> Dockerfile - echo 'WORKDIR /build' >> Dockerfile
- echo "RUN diff /before.txt /after.txt || true" >> Dockerfile # Build and push the CI image
- docker login -u "gitlab-ci-token" -p "$CI_BUILD_TOKEN" $CI_REGISTRY - docker build --no-cache -t ${CI_BUILD_IMAGE} .
- docker build --pull -t "$CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE" . - docker push ${CI_BUILD_IMAGE}
- docker push "$CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE" artifacts:
- dist/ci/Dockerfile
expire_in: 60 minutes
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Deploy jobs
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
pages: pages:
stage: publish stage: deploy
image: node:10
variables: variables:
script: script:
...@@ -76,8 +121,9 @@ pages: ...@@ -76,8 +121,9 @@ pages:
- public - public
only: only:
- master - master
mirror: mirror:
stage: publish stage: deploy
image: liaohuqiu/rsync image: liaohuqiu/rsync
before_script: before_script:
- eval $(ssh-agent -s) - eval $(ssh-agent -s)
...@@ -94,10 +140,8 @@ mirror: ...@@ -94,10 +140,8 @@ mirror:
only: only:
- master - master
release-web: stage: deploy
stage: publish
image: node:10
variables: variables:
script: script:
[submodule "dist/desktop"] [submodule "dist/desktop"]
path = dist/desktop path = dist/desktop
url = url =
[submodule "android"] [submodule "dist/android/sources"]
path = platforms/android path = dist/android/sources
url = url =
FROM ubuntu:18.04 FROM node:12
LABEL maintainer="benoit [dot] lavenier [at] e-is [dot] pro" LABEL maintainer="benoit [dot] lavenier [at] e-is [dot] pro"
LABEL version="1.7.0-rc1"
LABEL description="Cesium Wallet for Ğ1 libre currency"
ARG CESIUM_VER="1.7.0-rc1"
ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive \ ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive \
ANDROID_HOME=/opt/android-sdk-linux \ NODE_VERSION=16.17.0 \
NODE_VERSION=10.17.0 \ NPM_VERSION=8.3.0 \
NPM_VERSION=6.13.4 \ YARN_VERSION=1.22.17 \
# Install basics # Install basics
RUN apt-get update && \ RUN apk update && \
apt-get install -y git wget curl unzip build-essential software-properties-common ruby ruby-dev ruby-ffi gcc make python && \ apk add ca-certificates wget curl git && \
curl --retry 3 -SLO "$NODE_VERSION/node-v$NODE_VERSION-linux-x64.tar.gz" && \ update-ca-certificates && \
tar -xzf "node-v$NODE_VERSION-linux-x64.tar.gz" -C /usr/local --strip-components=1 && \ apk add --update python make g++
rm "node-v$NODE_VERSION-linux-x64.tar.gz"
# Install global nodeJS dependencies
RUN npm install -g npm@"$NPM_VERSION" && \
npm install -g yarn gulp@"$GULP_VERSION" cordova@"$CORDOVA_VERSION" ionic@"$IONIC_VERSION" && \
npm cache clear --force
#RUN npm install -g node-sass@^4.13.0
# Install Java JDK
RUN apt-get update && \
apt-get -y install openjdk-8-jdk-headless
# Install Android prerequisites
RUN echo ANDROID_HOME="${ANDROID_HOME}" >> /etc/environment && \
dpkg --add-architecture i386 && \
apt-get update && \
apt-get install -y --force-yes expect ant wget zipalign libc6-i386 lib32stdc++6 lib32gcc1 lib32ncurses5 lib32z1 qemu-kvm kmod && \
apt-get clean && \
apt-get autoclean && \
rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /tmp/* /var/tmp/*
# Install Android SDK
#RUN cd /opt && \
# wget --output-document=android-sdk.tgz --quiet"$ANDROID_SDK_VERSION"-linux.tgz && \
# tar xzf android-sdk.tgz && \
# rm -f android-sdk.tgz && \
# chown -R root. /opt
## Install Android NDK
#RUN cd /opt/ && \
# wget --quiet"$ANDROID_NDK_VERSION" && \
# unzip && \
# rm && \
# chown -R root. /opt
# Install Gradle
#RUN cd /opt/ && \
# wget"$GRADLE_VERSION" && \
# mkdir /opt/gradle && \
# unzip -d /opt/gradle gradle-"$GRADLE_VERSION" && \
# rm -rf gradle-$"GRADLE_VERSION"
# Setup environment
#ENV PATH ${PATH}:${ANDROID_HOME}/tools:${ANDROID_HOME}/platform-tools:/opt/tools:/opt/gradle/gradle-"$GRADLE_VERSION"/bin
# Install sdk elements # create group and user cesium
#COPY resources/android/build/tools /opt/tools RUN addgroup -S -g 1111 cesium && \
#RUN chmod u+x /opt/tools/*.sh adduser -SD -h /cesium -G cesium -u 1111 cesium
#RUN ["/opt/tools/", "android update sdk --all --no-ui --filter platform-tools,tools,build-tools-29.0.0,android-29,build-tools-26.0.0,android-26,build-tools-25.0.0,android-25,extra-android-support,extra-android-m2repository,extra-google-m2repository"] #RUN mkdir -p /var/lib/cesium /etc/cesium && chown cesium:cesium /var/lib/cesium /etc/cesium
#RUN unzip ${ANDROID_HOME}/temp/*.zip -d ${ANDROID_HOME}
# Install global dependencies
RUN yarn global add gulp@"$GULP_VERSION" @ionic/cli@"$IONIC_CLI_VERSION"
# Install source code # copy source tree
#RUN git config --global "" && \ COPY ./ ./
# git config --global "User Name" && \
RUN git clone && \
cd cesium && \
yarn install --ignore-engines
# Restore cordova platforms RUN test -f package.json || git clone && cd cesium
RUN cd cesium && \
yarn run install-platforms
# TODO: Test First Build so that it will be faster later # Install project dependencies
## ionic cordova build android --prod --no-interactive --release # Workaround need for node-sass (- )see
RUN yarn install --ignore-engines && \
yarn remove node-sass && yarn add node-sass
WORKDIR cesium WORKDIR /cesium
EXPOSE 8100 35729 EXPOSE 8100 35729
CMD ["yarn", "run", "start"] CMD ["yarn", "run", "start"]
...@@ -2,12 +2,25 @@ ...@@ -2,12 +2,25 @@
# Cesium # Cesium
- [Unhosted webapp]( client for any [Duniter]( crypto-currency. Cesium is wallet client software for [Duniter]( crypto-currency, like Ğ1.
- Manage your wallet, certify your friends, and more ! Cesium allow you to manage your wallet, certify your friends, and more!
- [Web site](
Cesium is an [Unhosted]( Progressive Web Application (PWA), using AngularJS and Ionic.
Please visit th Cesium web site: [](
## Install ## Install
### As a web extension (Firefox, Chrome)
- Download the [latest extension release](
- Drag/drop the file into your browser;
- Confirm the installation.
That's it! A new button is appeared, on the top right corner.
### On desktop computer ### On desktop computer
- Download the [latest release]( - Download the [latest release](
...@@ -27,85 +40,9 @@ ...@@ -27,85 +40,9 @@
* Manual installation: download then install the `.apk` from your smartphone; * Manual installation: download then install the `.apk` from your smartphone;
* [Play Store](; * [Play Store](;
- iOS - iOS
* Coming soon...; * [App Store](;
### As a web site
#### First installation
Cesium can be easily installed on most web server :
- Download the [latest release]( (file ``);
- Unpack into an empty directory;
- Configure the web server engine (e.g. apache, nginx):
* Add a new virtual host, that use the directory as `web root`.
* Make sure the file `index.html` exist inside this directory.
#### Update to last version
On Linux distributions, an update script can be used to update your Cesium web site:
curl -kL | bash
wget -qO- | bash
**Note**: You may need root permission to write files. If so just replace `| bash` with `| sudo bash`.
#### Changing default settings
To change default configuration, on a Cesium web site:
- Edit the file `config.js` in the web root directory, and change some properties:
angular.module("cesium.config", [])
.constant("csConfig", {
"fallbackLanguage": "en",
"rememberMe": false,
"timeWarningExpireMembership": 5184000,
"timeWarningExpire": 7776000,
"useLocalStorage": true,
"useRelative": true,
"decimalCount": 4,
"helptip": {
"enable": true,
"installDocUrl": ""
"node": {
"host": "",
"port": "443"
"plugins": {
"es": {
"enable": "true",
"host": "",
"port": "443"
"version": "1.3.7",
"build": "2019-04-02T08:27:57.915Z"
- Configure a Duniter node:
* set `` and `node.port` to the default node address.
- Configure the optional extension for [Cesium+](
* set `` and `` to the default Cesium+ Pod (aka ES) address.
* set `` with [true|false] to change the default extension state.
To learn more about configuration options, see the [detailed documentation](doc/
#### Yunohost package #### Yunohost package
...@@ -118,11 +55,14 @@ A [Development Guide](doc/ is available to learn : ...@@ -118,11 +55,14 @@ A [Development Guide](doc/ is available to learn :
- Development best practices. - Development best practices.
A [development tutorial](doc/fr/ (in French) is also available. A [development tutorial](doc/fr/ (in French) is also available.
The [first 3 lessons of the tutorial](doc/en/ have also been translated into english.
## Donate ## Donate
To help developers with donation, use the [Cesium Team Ğ1 account]( (public key: `CitdnuQgZ45tNFCagay7Wh12gwwHM8VLej1sWmfHWnQX`) To help developers with donation, use the [Cesium Team Ğ1 account]( (public key: `CitdnuQgZ45tNFCagay7Wh12gwwHM8VLej1sWmfHWnQX`)
## License ## License
This software is distributed under [GNU AGPL-3.0]( This software is distributed under [GNU AGPL-3.0](
\ No newline at end of file
Please read also our [privacy policy](./doc/
\ No newline at end of file
{ {
"default": { "default": {
"cacheTimeMs": 300000, "cacheTimeMs": 300000,
"demo": false,
"readonly": false,
"fallbackLanguage": "en", "fallbackLanguage": "en",
"rememberMe": true, "rememberMe": true,
"showUDHistory": true, "showUDHistory": true,
"timeout": 40000, "timeout": 30000,
"timeWarningExpireMembership": 5184000, "timeWarningExpireMembership": 5184000,
"timeWarningExpire": 7776000, "timeWarningExpire": 7776000,
"minConsensusPeerCount": 10,
"keepAuthIdle": 600, "keepAuthIdle": 600,
"useLocalStorage": true, "useLocalStorage": true,
"useRelative": false, "useRelative": false,
"expertMode": false, "expertMode": false,
"decimalCount": 2, "decimalCount": 2,
"httpsMode": false, "httpsMode": false,
"shareBaseUrl": "", "shareBaseUrl": "",
"helptip": { "helptip": {
"enable": true, "enable": true,
"installDocUrl": { "installDocUrl": {
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} }
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"de-DE": "license/license_g1-de-DE",
"en": "license/license_g1-en", "en": "license/license_g1-en",
"fr-FR": "license/license_g1-fr-FR", "en-GB": "license/license_g1-en",
"eo-EO": "license/license_g1-eo-EO",
"es-ES": "license/license_g1-es-ES", "es-ES": "license/license_g1-es-ES",
"eo-EO": "license/license_g1-eo-EO" "fr-FR": "license/license_g1-fr-FR",
"it-IT": "license/license_g1-it-IT",
"pt-PT": "license/license_g1-pt-PT"
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"node": { "feed": {
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"maxContentLength": 1300,
"maxAgeInMonths": 3,
"maxCount": 3
}, },
"fallbackNodes": [ "fallbackNodes": [
{ {
"host": "", "host": "",
"port": 443 "port": 443
}, },
{ {
"host": "", "host": "",
"port": 443 "port": 443
}, },
{ {
"host": "", "host": "",
"port": 443 "port": 443
}, },
{ {
"host": "", "host": "",
"port": 443
"developers": [
{"name": "Benoit Lavenier", "pubkey": "38MEAZN68Pz1DTvT3tqgxx4yQP6snJCQhPqEFxbDk4aE"}
"es": {
"enable": true,
"askEnable": true,
"useRemoteStorage": true,
"host": "",
"port": 443,
"fallbackNodes": [
"host": "",
"port": 443
"host": "",
"port": 443
"notifications": {
"txSent": true,
"txReceived": true,
"certSent": true,
"certReceived": true
"defaultCountry": "France"
"default_fr": {
"cacheTimeMs": 300000,
"fallbackLanguage": "fr",
"rememberMe": true,
"showUDHistory": true,
"timeout": 300000,
"timeWarningExpireMembership": 5184000,
"timeWarningExpire": 7776000,
"keepAuthIdle": 600,
"useLocalStorage": true,
"useRelative": false,
"expertMode": false,
"decimalCount": 2,
"httpsMode": false,
"shareBaseUrl": "",
"helptip": {
"enable": true,
"installDocUrl": {
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"license": {
"fr-FR": "license/license_g1-fr-FR",
"en": "license/license_g1-en",
"es-ES": "license/license_g1-es-ES",
"eo-EO": "license/license_g1-eo-EO"
"node": {
"host": "",
"port": 443
"fallbackNodes": [
"host": "",
"port": 443 "port": 443
}, },
{ {
"host": "", "host": "",
"port": 443 "port": 443
}, },
{ {
"host": "", "host": "",
"port": 443 "port": 443
"host": "",
"port": 443
"host": "",
"port": 443
} }
], ],
"developers": [
{"name": "Benoit Lavenier", "pubkey": "38MEAZN68Pz1DTvT3tqgxx4yQP6snJCQhPqEFxbDk4aE"},
{"name": "Cédric Moreau", "pubkey": "2ny7YAdmzReQxAayyJZsyVYwYhVyax2thKcGknmQy5nQ"},
{"name": "Kapis", "pubkey": "24jaf8XhYZyDyUb7hMcy5qsanaHBC11AwPefcCQRBQNA"},
{"name": "Matograine", "pubkey": "CmFKubyqbmJWbhyH2eEPVSSs4H4NeXGDfrETzEnRFtPd"}
"plugins":{ "plugins":{
"es": { "es": {
"enable": true, "enable": true,
"askEnable": true, "askEnable": true,
"useRemoteStorage": true, "useRemoteStorage": true,
"host": "", "host": "",
"port": 443, "port": 443,
"fallbackNodes": [ "fallbackNodes": [
"host": "",
"port": 443
{ {
"host": "", "host": "",
"port": 443 "port": 443
}, },
{ {
"host": "", "host": "",
"port": 443 "port": 443
} },
"notifications": {
"txSent": true,
"txReceived": true,
"certSent": true,
"certReceived": true
"defaultCountry": "France"
"le-sou": {
"cacheTimeMs": 300000,
"fallbackLanguage": "fr-FR",
"defaultLanguage": "fr-FR",
"rememberMe": true,
"timeout": 30000,
"timeWarningExpireMembership": 5184000,
"timeWarningExpire": 7776000,
"keepAuthIdle": 600,
"useLocalStorage": true,
"useRelative": false,
"expertMode": false,
"decimalCount": 2,
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"shareBaseUrl": "",
"helptip": {
"enable": true,
"installDocUrl": {
"fr-FR": "",
"en": ""
"license": {
"fr-FR": "license/license_g1-fr-FR",
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"host": "",
"port": 443
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"host": "",
"port": 443
"host": "",
"port": 443
"es": {
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"askEnable": true,
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"host": "",
"port": 443,
"fallbackNodes": [
{ {
"host": "", "host": "",
"port": 443 "port": 443
}, },
{ {
"host": "", "host": "",
"port": 443
"host": "",
"port": 443 "port": 443
} }
], ],
...@@ -230,50 +128,56 @@ ...@@ -230,50 +128,56 @@
} }
}, },
"g1-test": { "g1-test": {
"cacheTimeMs": 300000, "cacheTimeMs": 300000,
"demo": false,
"readonly": false,
"fallbackLanguage": "en", "fallbackLanguage": "en",
"rememberMe": true, "rememberMe": true,
"timeout": 300000, "showUDHistory": true,
"timeout": 30000,
"timeWarningExpireMembership": 5184000, "timeWarningExpireMembership": 5184000,
"timeWarningExpire": 7776000, "timeWarningExpire": 7776000,
"minConsensusPeerCount": -1,
"useLocalStorage": true, "useLocalStorage": true,
"useRelative": false, "useRelative": false,
"expertMode": true, "expertMode": true,
"decimalCount": 2, "decimalCount": 2,
"shareBaseUrl": "", "httpsMode": false,
"shareBaseUrl": "",
"helptip": { "helptip": {
"enable": false, "enable": false,
"installDocUrl": { "installDocUrl": {
"fr-FR": "", "fr-FR": "",
"en": "" "en": ""
} }
}, },
"node": { "node": {
"host": "", "host": "",
"port": 443 "port": 443
}, },
"fallbackNodes": [ "fallbackNodes": [
{ {
"host": "", "host": "",
"port": 443 "port": 10902
"host": "",
"port": 443
}, },
{ {
"host": "", "host": "",
"port": 443 "port": 443
} }
], ],
"developers": [
{"name": "Benoit Lavenier", "pubkey": "38MEAZN68Pz1DTvT3tqgxx4yQP6snJCQhPqEFxbDk4aE"},
{"name": "Cédric Moreau", "pubkey": "2ny7YAdmzReQxAayyJZsyVYwYhVyax2thKcGknmQy5nQ"},
{"name": "Kapis", "pubkey": "24jaf8XhYZyDyUb7hMcy5qsanaHBC11AwPefcCQRBQNA"},
{"name": "Matograine", "pubkey": "CmFKubyqbmJWbhyH2eEPVSSs4H4NeXGDfrETzEnRFtPd"}
"plugins":{ "plugins":{
"es": { "es": {
"enable": true, "enable": false,
"askEnable": true, "askEnable": false,
"useRemoteStorage": true, "useRemoteStorage": false,
"host": "", "host": "",
"port": 443, "port": 443,
"notifications": { "notifications": {
"txSent": true, "txSent": true,
...@@ -288,6 +192,8 @@ ...@@ -288,6 +192,8 @@
"dev": { "dev": {
"cacheTimeMs": 300000, "cacheTimeMs": 300000,
"demo": false,
"readonly": false,
"fallbackLanguage": "fr-FR", "fallbackLanguage": "fr-FR",
"defaultLanguage": "fr-FR", "defaultLanguage": "fr-FR",
"rememberMe": true, "rememberMe": true,
...@@ -302,18 +208,21 @@ ...@@ -302,18 +208,21 @@
"helptip": { "helptip": {
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"es-ES": "license/license_g1-es-ES", "es-ES": "license/license_g1-es-ES",
"eo-EO": "license/license_g1-eo-EO" "eo-EO": "license/license_g1-eo-EO",
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...@@ -402,9 +316,6 @@ ...@@ -402,9 +316,6 @@
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"Leaflet.EasyButton": "^2.4.0",
"leaflet.loading": "Leaflet.loading#^0.1.24",
"ui-leaflet": "^2.0.0",
"leaflet.markercluster": "Leaflet.markercluster#0.5.0",
"Leaflet.FeatureGroup.SubGroup": "0.1.2",
"ion-digit-keyboard": "skol-pro/ion-digit-keyboard#973b90c2fc",
"angular-api": "E-IS/angular-api#0.3.0",
"angular-screenmatch": "^1.0.1",
"angular-file-saver": "^1.1.3",
"angular-simple-logger": "^0.1.7",
"angular-chart.js": "jtblin/angular-chart#1.1.1",
"angular-fullscreen": "E-IS/angular-fullscreen#1.0.2",
"leaflet": "0.7.7",
"moment": "^2.24.0",
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"ngCordova": "0.1.27-alpha",
"js-scrypt": "1.2.0",
"js-nacl": "1.3.2",
"angular-translate": "^2.18.1",
"": "^1.4.4"
"resolutions": {
"angular": "1.5.11",
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"angular-sanitize": "^1.5.11",
"angular-ui-router": "0.2.18",
"angular-messages": "1.5.11",
"angular-api": "0.3.0",
"Leaflet.EasyButton": "~1.3.2",
"leaflet": "0.7.7",
"leaflet.markercluster": "0.5",
"Leaflet.FeatureGroup.SubGroup": "0.1.2",
"moment": ">=2.8.0 <2.11.0",
"numeral": "1.5.3",
"ionic": "1.3.5"
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<name>Cesium</name> <name>Cesium</name>
<description> <description>
An simple App for Duniter wallet An simple App for Duniter wallet
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<string>To choose a profile picture</string> <string>To choose a profile picture</string>
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Subproject commit 17788c85b43b1fa75287a80454349948068cc457
Subproject commit 2667bc6efab8ae2393ab57f330c33f7dedf99fe2 Subproject commit 4b5e3aef13e93c507fbf24c8aef832ada65f64ef
# Android Builds # Build Cesium for Android
Cesium can be build as Android App. Cesium can be build as an Android App.
Cesium use [Ionic Framework v1.7.16]( with some Apache Cordova plugins. Cesium use [Ionic Framework v1.7.16]( with some Apache Cordova plugins.
...@@ -16,9 +16,9 @@ After that you should be able to start the application using `npm start`, and to ...@@ -16,9 +16,9 @@ After that you should be able to start the application using `npm start`, and to
You can choose to install You can choose to install
- on Linux, install OpenJDK 8: - on Linux, install OpenJDK 11:
* ``sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk`` * ``sudo apt-get install openjdk-11-jdk``
- or Oracle JDK 8 (all platforms supported): - or Oracle JDK 8 (all platforms supported):
# Build Cesium as a Desktop application
Cesium can be build as a standalone desktop application, for Linux (`.deb`), Windows (`.exe`) or MacOSx;
- Clone the [cesium-desktop]( project locally;
- Follow this project documentation.
# Cesium docker image # Cesium docker image
> WARNING: This documentation need a review! (not up to date)
## Build ## Build
```bash ```bash
# iOS Builds # Build Cesium for iOS
Cesium can be build as desktop application for iOS. . Cesium can be build as desktop application for iOS. .
...@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ sudo xcode-select --switch /Applications/ ...@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ sudo xcode-select --switch /Applications/
## Install Node JS ## Install Node JS
1. Install NVM (node.js version manager) : 1. Install NVM (node.js version manager) :
2. Install node.js v5 2. Install node.js 16
3. Install common node.js dependencies 3. Install common node.js dependencies
```bash ```bash
...@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm" ...@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/" # This loads nvm [ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/" # This loads nvm
# Node.js # Node.js
nvm install 6 nvm install 16
# node-pre-gyp # node-pre-gyp
npm install -g nw-gyp node-pre-gyp npm install -g nw-gyp node-pre-gyp
...@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ npm install -g nw-gyp node-pre-gyp ...@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ npm install -g nw-gyp node-pre-gyp
2. Install global dependencies (see [Development Guide](./ for versions to used) : 2. Install global dependencies (see [Development Guide](./ for versions to used) :
``` ```
npm install -g yarn gulp cordova@9.0.0 ionic@1.7.16 npm install -g yarn gulp cordova @ionic/cli@6.20.9
``` ```
3. Install project dependencies : 3. Install project dependencies :
# Build Cesium as an unhosted web application
Cesium can be build as a simple web application, portable and runnable anywhere.
## Prerequisites
### Install the development environment
Follow all the steps defined in the [Development guide](./
After that you should be able to start the application using `npm start`or `yarn start`, and to test it.
## Build the unhosted web application
- To create a compressed ZIP artifact, run:
cd cesium
gulp webBuild --release
A ZIP archive will be visible `dist/web/build/`
## Publishing to a web site
Decompress the web archive, then open the `ìndex.html` file in your web browser.
\ No newline at end of file
# Build Cesium as a Web extension
Cesium can be build as Web extension, for Mozilla Firefox extension (`.xpi`) and Chrome/Chromium (`.crx`).
## Prerequisites
### Install the development environment
Follow all the steps defined in the [Development guide](./
After that you should be able to start the application using `yarn run start`, and to test it.
## Build the web extension
- To create an uncompressed extension, use :
cd cesium
gulp build
gulp webExtCompile --release
The uncompressed web extension will be visible `dist/web/ext`
- To create a portable and compressed ZIP extension :
cd cesium
gulp build
gulp webExtBuild --release
The web extension is visible at `dist/web/build/`
> Remove the option `--release` to skip creation of minified CSS and JS files (and source maps)
## Publishing to Mozilla Addons
- Make sure you have `web-ext` installed. If not, run:
npm install -g web-ext
- Sign your extension :
# Define your credentials on (your developer account)
export AMO_JWT_ISSUER = // username
export AMO_JWT_SECRET = // password
# Will archive and upload your extension
cd cesium
web-ext sign "--api-key=${AMO_JWT_ISSUER}" "--api-secret=${AMO_JWT_SECRET}" "--source-dir=dist/web/ext" "--artifacts-dir=${PROJECT_DIR}/dist/web/build" --id=${WEB_EXT_ID} --channel=listed
\ No newline at end of file
...@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ ...@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
- [fix] Fix scale change, on the network TX graph - fix #835 - thanks to @jiemme2 - [fix] Fix scale change, on the network TX graph - fix #835 - thanks to @jiemme2
- [fix] Fix ES translation - thanks to @scanlegentil - [fix] Fix ES translation - thanks to @scanlegentil
- [fix] Fix NL translation - thanks to @RavanH - [fix] Fix NL translation - thanks to @RavanH
- [fix] Fix develepment guide - thanks to @BorisPAING - [fix] Fix development guide - thanks to @BorisPAING
## Android ## Android
...@@ -8,9 +8,8 @@ ...@@ -8,9 +8,8 @@
- [fix] Home: fix logout button icons, on small device - [fix] Home: fix logout button icons, on small device
- [fix] Menu: badge alignment on small device - [fix] Menu: badge alignment on small device
- [fix] Wot identity: better fab compose id (UID is not safe) - [fix] Wot identity: better fab compose id (UID is not safe)
- [fix] Wallet (secondary): fix show certification link (for large screen) - [fix] Secondary wallet: allow to see certifications
- [fix] Wallet (secondary): fix show certification link (for large screen) - [fix] Transfer: always hide the digitKeyboard when not a mobile device - fix #866
- [fix] Transfer: always hide the digitKeyboard when not a device - fix #866
- [fix] Network: add button to show Cesium+ network (if expert mode and Cesium+ plugin are enable) - [fix] Network: add button to show Cesium+ network (if expert mode and Cesium+ plugin are enable)
### Cesium+ plugin ### Cesium+ plugin
# Version v1.6.0
## All platforms
- [enh] Home: Add feed (news)
- [enh] Menu: new menu layout, and new icon for "My operations"
- [enh] Navigation: better performance, by adding a network cache (between session if enable in settings)
- [fix] Wallet: Fix freeze on "Loading..."
- [fix] Fix locale flags (and add a flag for Esperanto)
### Desktoo
- [enh] Upgrade to Chromium 80 (NWjs v0.44.4)
### Android
- [enh] Can toggle QR code into full screen
- [enh] Show more QRcode (on a identity page, in the transactions history)
- [fix] Android: revert to minSdkVersion=16
### Firefox and Chrome extension
- [enh] Allow to add Cesium as browser extension